Chapter Five

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Every problem Lance and Keith had been having feels so distant. Right at that moment Keith and Lance feel so pure. They stare up at the cotton candy sky and watch all of the clouds float by. Everything felt just right. 

"Keith, what do you like to think about?" Lance says, breaking the silence. There was not an immediate reply so Lance went on, "I like to think about home. I really miss the summers with my brothers and sisters." Lance smiles as he turns his head to look at Keith. 

Keith is staring up at the sky. Pretending to ignore what Lance had said, he tries to distract Lance from the subject by saying, "That cloud looks just like a fish."

"Ha! You're right! And that one looks like a dinosaur!" Lance said, pointing to a fluffy pink cloud that sort of resembles a triceratops. 

The boys stare at the pink sky, pointing out shapes and laughing at what stupid thing the other came up with. Lance points out how one of the clouds looks like Coran's mustache, and he is expecting a big laugh from Keith, but instead receives silence. He turns his head and saw Keith fast asleep. 

Little did Lance know, Keith hasn't been able to sleep in three days. His head was tossing and turning every time he tried to sleep. But today, Keith was relaxed enough to fall into slumber.

Lance turns over and looks at the sleeping boy. He notices the way Keith's mouth is almost in a smile as he sleeps. He looks so innocent when he smiles. Lance blushes as he looks at the pale boy rest peacefully.  

The tan boy stares at Keith and bites his lip as he snaps back into reality. Do I like Keith? Lance turns away from Keith and stares back up at the sky. Lance lets his mind wander and it keeps going back to the boy sleeping beside him. Lance grimaces and glances at Keith. Lance realizes that he might just have feelings for the asshat that is Keith.


After about an hour of rest, Keith's eyes flutter open. He rubs his eyes and turns over to look at Lance. 

"Morning, sleeping beauty!" Lance says with his chin resting on his hand, grinning big. 

Keith furrows his brows and asks, "How long have I been asleep?"

"What? No good morning?!" Lance chuckles, "Don't worry, you've only been asleep for an hour or so." Keith nods. He shifts his body to look back at the sky. Keith's mind is racing. How was he able to just fall asleep? It seemed so hard just a few hours ago. 

The boys lay in silence, staring at the clouds slowly making their way around the atmosphere. Keith blinks softly. He has calmed down after realizing that he was just very tired, and everything was so peaceful. He is sure that's the reason he was able to fall asleep so easily. But what if it was Lance? Keith suddenly tensed up at the thought. He usually would push these thoughts from his mind, but he kind of likes the way it feels to think about Lance. Keith turns his head to look at Lance only to find himself locking eyes with the tan boy. 

Lance had been looking at Keith for the past few minutes. Keith looked so focused. Lance tried to imagine why Keith was focused. Maybe he was focusing on the clouds, or maybe it was something deeper. As Keith turns his head to meet Lance's eyes, Lance panics and blurts out, "Why are you so focused?!" Lance winces in embarrassment. 

Alarmed, Keith says, "I was just uhh.. thinking about something..." Keith feels a flush of red spread across his cheeks. He couldn't let Lance know he was thinking about him. 

"Is it the thing that made you stay up late last night?" Lance asks in a sincere tone. Keith's eyes grow wide. 

"No... it's something else..." Trying to change the subject, Keith frantically asks, "Why were you up so late last night?" That was the only thing Keith could think to ask.

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