Chapter Nine

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Right as Lance leaves the dining room, Hunk leans into the table and whispers, "Shiro... Do you know what Lance and Keith did last night? Because we know it wasn't Uno."

Panicked, Shiro looks up from his glop, pausing to think of a response, Allura steps in, "Hunk how do you know it wasn't 'Uno,'"

Pidge interjects,"Just a few minutes ago I heard Keith in Lance's room, and Lance said that he had a great time last night. Then when I confronted Keith he made something up about Uno, and I was positive he was lying. Who thinks to bring a card game on the ship?"

Sighing, Shiro says, "Well... I may know something..." He knows he shouldn't expose what he and Keith talked about to everyone, so he will leave out the conversation from this morning. He continues, "Lance slept in Keith's room last night." Everyone was going to find out eventually, so it wasn't that bad to tell everyone.

Allura gasps, "Are they dating? I thought they hated each other."

"They aren't dating, but Lance likes Keith. I'm not sure if Keith likes him back." Pidge says, exposing Lance.

With a smirk, Hunk says, "So Shiro, Pidge says she saw you leaving Keith's room this morning."

"Shiro were you sleeping in Keith's room too? How did you all fit in the small bed?" Coran adds in, mildly confused to what the quiznak is going on.

"What? No! I was just talking to Keith... about some... stuff." Shiro says, trying not to disclose Keith's secret.

"What were you talking about Shiro?" Allura asks. 

"Guys I will not disclose what Keith and I were talking about. It is between me and Keith," Shiro says, holding firm. 

"Come on Shiro! Chances are what Keith told you will help us piece together the situation. Keith and Lance would be such a cute couple!" Pidge prods.

Even though being accused, Shiro stays calm. It has taken him years to get Keith to open up, and he cannot betray his trust."I'm sorry everyone, but I cannot tell you all. It's too personal."

"Does Keith like Lance?" Everyone asks in unison.


"Okay Game plan. Me and you sneak off the ship in an escape pod, go find some sort of trading center, and trade for some Uno Cards. We should let Shiro in on the plan, because I think he would be least likely to tell everyone we were lying. Plus he knows you slept in my room last night. He's a fairly trustworthy guy. Then we find the cards and trade my finger less gloves for them." Keith says focused.

Lance sighs, "Can't we just tell everyone about what happened last night? Then we don't have to go through all the trouble of this. Plus I like your stupid finger less gloves."

"We can't just tell everyone about last night! Everyone will start asking us about things I don't even know the answer to yet. I literally found out I liked you like a day or two ago! I'm not ready to tell everybody on the ship." Keith says, kind of embarrassed. 

Lance smiles at the stubborn boy, "Saying that we slept in the same bed last night may make them think we hooked up, even though we didn't. But we can tonight." Lance says with a wink.

Rolling his eyes, Keith says, "Maybe if you come up with a good plan that will be on the table."

Grinning ear to ear, Lance continues, "Just saying we don't have a deck of Uno cards won't make them think we are dating. We can just tell them that last night we did something else. It needs to be "embarrassing" enough to make you want to lie to everyone." Lance pauses for a second as a light bulb goes off in his head, "I got it."

After hearing Lance's plan, Keith calms down. He can handle that. No one will suspect a thing between them.


"Does Keith like Lance?" Everyone asks Shiro in unison.

Wide-eyed that everyone jumped right to the correct solution, Shiro stammers out, "Oh... uhm" Right as he is about to answer, Keith and Lance reenter the room.

"Hey guys! Me and Keith have something to tell you guys." Lance says as he strolls into the room. Everyone turns to stare at the two boys. "Take it away Keith!"

"Me and Lance weren't playing Uno last night. We don't even have a deck of Uno cards." Keith says.

"What were you guys doing last night then?" Hunk asks, already knowing the answer. 

Putting on his most embarrassed face, Keith responds, "Well... Lance may have showed me something new."

Slowly Allura asks, "What kind of new thing?"

"Lance showed me... how great facemasks are." Keith stammers out, trying his best to seem bashful. Bashful isn't his deal, so this was quite a stretch for him.

"WHAT!" Everyone yells in unison. Everyone was expecting Keith to speak about how he and Lance slept together. 

Lance adds in, "It's true. Me and Keith had a spa night. Keith was too embarrassed to tell Pidge this morning when she asked him." 

Confused, Coran asks, "Then why did Shiro tell us that Lance slept in Keith's room? Did you guys have a sleepover too last night?"

Wide-eyed, both Keith and Lance stand petrified. They had not planned for this. 

"Huh. Funny question Coran why don't you ask Keith, because I got to, uh, do something." Lance says while starting to run out. Keith grabs Lance by the hood and whispers, "If I have to be here, so do you."

Everyone stands awkwardly in silence for a few moments. Shiro interrupts the silence, "Coran, Allura, Pidge, Hunk, can you guys leave. I need to talk with Keith and Lance for a minute."

"Fine," Hunk stammers out as they all leave the room.

Little do the Keith, Lance and Shiro know is that right outside of the door, Allura, Coran and the rest of the paladins all have an ear on the door, listening to the conversation. 

"What the hell Shiro?!" Keith yells, "Did you tell them anything else?! I trusted you!"

Sighing, Shiro explains, "Pidge and Hunk were skeptical about your Uno thing, so they asked me if I knew anything. I overstepped my boundaries and told them that you guys both slept in Keith's room. Then Pidge said that Lance likes Keith, and they started begging me to tell them what I was talking about with you, Keith, this morning. But I didn't speak a word."

"Pidge told everyone that I like Keith! Aw man! I thought she wouldn't tell anyone." Lance whines. 

Pacing back and forth, Keith says, "I can't believe you all were talking about us! Well, guess we might as well tell everyone now, because apparently NO ONE CAN KEEP A SECRET IN THIS SHIP." 

"Tell everyone what?" Shiro asks. 

Ignoring Shiro's question, hot-headed Keith walks over to the door and quickly opens it, letting all 4 guilty eavesdroppers fall to their faces. 

"Keith are you sure this is a good ide-" Lance starts, but he is interrupted by Keith.

"Lance slept in my room last night! I was crying and Lance was comforting me, and I kicked him out, and he sat outside my door for hours. I went to go talk to him, and I saw him outside, so I let him in. Then we both slept in my bed! That's it! I didn't want to tell everyone because we literally just realized our feelings like two days ago, but since everyone already knows everything apparently guess it doesn't matter. I like Lance! And Lance likes me! Is this what everyone wants from me? Are you all happy now?" Keith shouts and then storms out of the room.

Everyone stood in complete silence. Everyone filled with guilt for messing with Keith and Lance's feelings.

"Well. I'm gonna go talk to Keith," Lance says, then continues after a moment, "You all owe me and him an apology once we get back here."

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