Chapter Three

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Allura, Coran, and all of the paladins race to the main control room to see what the problem is. 

Allura was quick to read the Altean codes and states out, "It seems there is a nearby planet, Jamakara, that is in need of help. They have lost a very special crystal that is key to activating their safety barrier around the main cities. Coran can you enter in the coordinates?" Everyone releases a sigh of relief knowing that it was not the Galra attacking the ship. 

"Okay so how are we supposed to find this weird super crystal?" Lance blurts out.

"The Jamakarians are saying that it is somewhere on the planet, but they do not have the technology to locate the crystal. They are sending a photo of the crystal right now." Allura replies.

The photo of the crystal pops up on the screen, and everyone gasps at its beauty. It was so bright, with thousands of different colors of the rainbow blaring out of the core. Pidge instantly gasps out, "What type of crystal is this? I've never seen anything like it."

Coran reads the caption on the photo and says, "It is an extremely rare form of rainbow quartz. It is truly a marvel, no wonder they want it back." All of the paladins are lost in a trance staring at the elegant, rainbow, shiny crystal. Shiro is first to break from the spell, and he says out proudly, "Okay guys lets find this crystal!" 


The ship lands in the middle of the forest in Jamakara. This planet looks similar to earth. There are lots of bright green ferns growing in every which direction, and neon blue moss sprawled out on the ground. This place reminded Lance of home.

Hunk was quick to notice this as well, "Woah, guys, it looks a lot like Earth!" Keith rolled his eyes, at this point he wanted to be as far from Earth as possible. Everyone kept babbling for what felt like hours, about the resemblance to their home planet. Keith, getting irritated at his point, snaps out, "Yeah! We get it, it looks like Earth. Let's just get this mission over with."

Everyone instantly goes silent. Well everyone except for Lance. To push Keith's buttons Lance goes on and on about the planet. "Wow, the ferns look just like the ones in my backyard back at home. Ooo, and the sweet smell of the air is impeccable. I haven't smelled air this fresh since the Garrison. Mmm mmm mmm that fruit on that tree right over looks just like a juicy apple from back home. Don't you miss home Keith?" Lance grins intensely as he speaks his last line.

Shiro intervenes in, "Lance, you shouldn't..." but he is cut off as Keith shouts at Lance, "WHY DON'T YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH?" 

"Why don't you shut your mouth?" Lance mocks back in a squeaky voice. Keith has murder in his eyes 

"Guys why don't we just focus on the mission," Coran adds in, no one but Allura was listening to the orange mustached man. All eyes are on Lance and Keith. Allura steps in and says, "Coran is right, we must all work together to find the Crystal to help the Jumakarians." 

"Yeah Keith! You need to start focusing on the mission!" Lance shouted at the angry boy. Keith was about to beat up Lance then and there, but before Keith could make his first move, Shiro grabs both of Keith's arms from behind. "Alright! Lance! Keith! That's enough! If you two can't work well enough together to find help with the mission, we won't be able to form Voltron. You two are always on each others nerve, and I'm making the executive decision to cut you two from the mission."

"Sweet!" Lance hollers out. He loves seeing Keith get all twisted up in a knot, and now he didn't have to find a dumb crystal! 

"Not so fast." Shiro starts, causing Lance to stop his victory dance, "You two must stay together on the planet, and you must get through whatever problem you guys are having by the time we finish the mission."

Keith is in shock. Not only did he get in trouble with Shiro, but now he has to spend an entire day with the most irritating guy in the universe. "Shiro! You can't just do that!" He shouts.

"Yeah! That's not fair! I will not spend a whole day with THIS GUY" Lance yelps, agreeing with Keith. Shiro lets go of Keith's arms and moves to stand with his arms crossed.

Pidge adds in, "Shiro's right, it's probably best for everyone if you guys could learn to get along. Plus you both just agreed that you didn't want to do this. You guys already have so much in common!" Of course that was a joke, Keith and Lance are complete opposites. Keith is like fire, hot-headed and ready to fight, while Lance is like water, slick and sleek and always able to keep his cool.

Lance and Keith both beg for Shiro to change his mind, but he holds firm. 

As the rest of the group walks away in search of the crystal, Hunk turns around and hollers a "Good luck guys!" Resulting in Keith and Lance suddenly turning towards each other surprised.

Keith looks the tall tan boy up and down and says the words he's been wanting to say since Garrison, "I actually hate you."

"It's not like I'm fond of you either buddy." Lance replies. It kind of hurt to be hated, but Lance knew he would be able to change that by the end of the day. Lance ran his hand through his hair and grinned a wild grin. This is going to be fun.

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