Chapter Seven

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It's 2 am. Keith has been staring at the ceiling for the past 6 hours. 6 hours ago he was in Lance's warm arms. That was the best feeling Keith has felt in years. The sleepless boy feels horrible about what he did. Keith tosses and turns in his bed. There are no words in the dictionary to portray how horrible and guilty Keith feels. He let his ego overtake his emotions, and now he ruined everything again. 

Keith has two options. One is to wait for this to blow over, and possibly have Lance hate him for the rest of his life. Or two, to go fix things with Lance right away, and have Lance hopefully forgive him. Keith is really feeling option one, but he knows that the only way to make this right is the second option. Chances are Lance is sound asleep right now, but with the little hope Keith has left he gets out of bed to head over to Lance's room. 

His warm feet touch the cold floor as he steps out of bed. It's freezing without the warmth of the blankets. Keith looks out of the little window in his room and sees they are surrounded by ice shards floating around the galaxy. No wonder it's so cold. Keith goes into his closet to put on his jacket before heading over to Lance's room.

Mustering all the courage he could, Keith steps out of his room. Instantly as he steps out of the room, he is met with a curious sight. Lance is siting huddled up in a ball right next to his door.

"Lance?" Keith says, awaking the shivering boy. Lance jumps up at the sight of Keith. "I was just coming to see you." He adds.

"Oh! Keith... Funny seeing you here!" Lance says through chattering teeth. He is only wearing a blue t shirt and shorts.

"You are sitting right outside my room." Keith says in a smug tone. Trying not to embarrass Lance too much, he adds, "I'm really sorry about earlier."

"It's fine." Lance says, shaking with every word. 

"Here take my jacket. You must be freezing." Keith says while taking off his red coat.

"No, you don't have too," Lance says while trying to stand, but his legs were having trouble moving from the frigid temperature .

"Why don't you go in my bed, it's probably still warm from when I was trying to sleep. There you can warm up, and we can talk."

Lance beams as he hears Keith's invitation. Lance struggles putting on Keith's jacket, so Keith helps him slide it on his shoulders. They step inside the Red Paladin's room once again. Just 6 hours ago, Lance had been banished from the room, leaving him in a state of confusion. Keith helps Lance into the bed, and decides to take a seat at the end of the bed. After a moment of silence, Lance asks the question he's been dying to ask, "Do you hate me Keith? It's really confusing for me because you are always switching back and forth. Sometimes we have a really great time together, and other times you act like you want me dead."

"I don't hate you..." Keith responds. He wants to tell Lance that he's recently realized his feelings for him so bad. But it isn't the right time, not yet.

"Then why did you make me leave? Why do you get so mad at me? I sat outside your room for hours trying to figure out what I did wrong!" Lance shouts. He realizes that it's the middle of the night, so he should probably try to keep it down.

Keith closes his eyes as he answers, "You didn't do anything wrong, you did everything right." As Keith opens his eyes, he sees bewilderment all over Lance's face.

"Then why did you get so mad?!" Lance says while trying to process all of this.

"I..." Keith can't bring himself to say the words.

"Tell me, or I'm leaving right now!" Lance doesn't want to leave, but he can't bring himself to calm down. He has spent the past 6 hours dissecting his brain to figure out what he did, just to find out he didn't do anything wrong.

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