About you first

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For starters lets talk about what is the personality of the reader.

First your name is (y/n) nikiforov and that means you are siblings with victor and he's a fun and annoying big bro to you.

your more used on calling him big brop-brop most of the time (I call my big brop-brop that as well) and if your siblings with him that means you have silver hair as well... Your not a skater your just a fifthteen year old loved getting prizoned in your room watching anime with your glasses on. Of coures you have to sleep so you do the only thing that can keep you away from eyebags, sleeping you are online schooled since you dont like going outside. Thats one of the reasons why you got pale skin.

You only go outside to look for a convinience store and buy some food that you need to cook for your big brop-brop. And yes you are the chief in this family...

You are also the hair stylist in their team but since they dont really need that job alot you also do the hair of different celebraties and skaters as well...

You follow your brother every where cause he's over protective sometimes... And when I mean follow I mean going to different countries with him...

And you made a house rule that everyone needs to follow. No one interupts your anime watching marathons... Which you do everyday... But you also have to follow victors rule's as well... Since he's your older brother and the one rule that you litrelly have to follow is when he ask you to go out skating with him...

Yeah thats all of it bye


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