Christmas party

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Im not gonna update a new chapter till season two comes. Cause im not sure if yuri is coming back in russia or in japan.

Special Chapter

Here is the day. The day that (y/n) hates since the start. Christmas. She's okay with it because its his brothers birthday but she also hates it because she has to go to the christmas party in school. Well... She loves going to her christmas parties but she just hates one rule in her school.

Do not wear the following bottom

-shorts (if only bottom clothes)

Wear dress, skirt, and jumper (if it looks like a dress) in the christmas party.

Yep. Thats why she hates it. She's already being forced on wearing a skirt in the banquete now here!? But she's not even allowed to not attend since its part of the attendance.

Now she's being dragged by her friends (also kazumi) going christmas dress shopping. She loves shopping. But not for dresses and girly stuff. It dosent even suits her because of her flatness. She only shops for merchandice, backpacks, and boy clothes cause she loves those shit.

It was early. A beautiful shinning dawn peeking at the edges of hasetsu. Once its at the perfect angle on aiming your window. It burned (y/n)'s eye lids. So the silvernette had the urge to open them. The first thing she saw was the creepy eyes of her best friend. Guni. The teen jumped from the sudded figure.

"Yay! Your awake!" The brunette cheered. The silvernette growled as she faced the window.

"Why the hell are you guys doing here...?" The girl blushes beacause her friends had a chance to see her bed hair. Her whole squad was their, not only guni.

"We need to go shopping!" Himenara beamed. Imagining the horror that will come in (y/n)'s path. The same with kazumi. (Y/n) felt a presents beside her bed. She knew that yuri wasent sleeping beside her because he goes to practice early. She turned her head to where the figure was. She jumped a little bit to see kazumi laying beside her while shivering.

"Have you been sleeping in my bed last night without permission...!? And since when were you guys were here...!?" The teen half yealled. The brunette tenses as she straddles her bestfriend. (Yes guni was straddling (y/n)...)

"Kazumi layed their cause she dosent want to come. And we woke your boyfriend up. Which was 1 hour ago..." hime explians. A bored look and tone spreading around her.

"What time is it...?" The flat smartass asked.

"E-early enough to s-see dawn..." Mie stutters, sweat dropping as she adjust her glasses.

"Why the hell do you guys have to wake me at this type of time only for christmas shopping!? You know what!? Im russian! We dont celebrate the birth of jesus! Only brops birthday!" The russian explained hiding herself under the covers.

"And their I thought your gonna be honor student this year..." guni sighed standing up and slouching on a couch as she continues to sigh in dissapointment.

"Yay! I get to look down on (y/n)!" Hime beam trying to get the silvernette's attention. Which it did.

The russian suddenly got up and emidietly took her towels amd headed to the shower. "Fine im going! So that my position as 1st honor will be with me forever!" The teen stated as she approaches the shower.

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