School fair

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Typo lol

Special chapter

School au

Today was the school fair. The time where all students can finally enjoy school for once. They are allowed to bring gadgets, (But since all students secretly bring gadgets their normal with it except the fact that they can finally shove it on the teachers faces.) They can wear civilian, (normal clothes) Have fun, Eat food at the outside foodcurt, Bring outsiders, and the best part is. No classes. And they can be free and go to school without rules.

(Y/n) woke up from her alarm. She sat up and yawned while stretching her legs and arms on a sitting position. Her hair was all messy from laying down for a while. Body odor and morning breath being spread around her. The sound of the birds chirp and the flowing of leaves from the wind was the only thing she can hear outsdie. The warm sunshine going through the window and trying to blind the eyes of the teen. Itchiness was felt on a small part of her head. She scratched it away and got out of bed readying her self for the fair.

Going to the bathroom, brushing her teeth and taking a shower for 5 minutes, getting dressed up, checking her bag, and eating breakfast was her morning routine. "Hello (y/n)." His brother, viktor greeted her while grabbing the coffee mug's holder and taking a sip on the dining table. "Good day..." she greeted back with a wave and plopped her self on the chair across his brothers'. The same goes to her string bag, but instead it was on the floor. After those activities she just walk her way to school. Her school was a walking distance. She dint needed to waste valuable money for the bus and lazily flopping down while on her phone. She would just walk and use her phone.

Once she arrived at school she saw all the amazing rides that she can go to. She dosent have the vibe on going to carnivals and playing games and going to rides. But once when the school fair is here she watse all her money and go to rides and play games. Also buy's food. She tries her hardest to keep her diet steady when the fair arrives but she just cant controll herself.

An unexpected heaviness on her back came which almost made her loose her balance. It was just her friend, kazumi. "(Y/n)!!!" The ginger haired teen chirpped. Still on the back of the russian. "Get off..." the silvernette growled. Trying to get her of her back. The girl on her back was extremly heavy. Thats why she was trying to pry her off. "Stop whining! Praise me that im actualy early for once!" Kazumi stated getting off, of (y/n)'s back. "Hey lets kick one of the posters till we get cought!" Randomly. One of (y/n)'s friend's, guni came in and suggested a plan for later while pointing at posters about a school play. It was still early thats why. "We have duty remember?" Himenara came along and reminded the brunette. "Ooops! I remember! Sorry!" She apologized.

Still all girl school btw

*Chibi version of guni comes out off nowhere and freeze's this scene.*

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