6 - Cant talk back

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Btw since yuri became 16 im gonna make him 16 in maybe... the next chapter... or the chapter after that...

You got used on not becoming close with yuri and getting new friends and their making you slowly getting girly but still having that real boyish side is still inside you. He still text you sometimes but slowly stops and same as you. And the two of you slowly starts forgetting each other. But still has those gifts that the both of you gave each other. And never roconize each other even when you guys pass by each other cause you still wear boyish clothes but has long hair now and same with yuri. And since you dont know his last name and since you are unknown in t.v. you guys dont reconize your new faces. And you guys made new accounts in social media and you guys din't add each other so you guys really dont know each other... And you dont do online schools anymore only when your on a place which is not school cause your a transport student when victor goes to different countries.

Your pov

Today is monday and im at russia and about to go to school as always... I got ready did my morning routine extra early. Then went to school.

Time skip after school

I dont have much friends in school I only talk to them when its related about school in free time all I do is study when theirs a test/quiz or use my phone to read wattpad and listen to music or talk to my other friends in different countries about fandoms that I like. But I dont see alot of students that likes the same fandom as mine what they like is skating they sometimes approach me and ask me about other skaters but I just answer what they want to hear sometimes not... What I like is totally different. K-pop,otaku, and videogames. So thats one of the reasons why I dont have any friends in school which is okay with me... I never eat at school cause all of their food their is expensive and bad quality thats why after school I always go to my favorite cafe then go home to make food for brother then do it all over again.

But in weekends... I go skating, practicing my hand stands and different types of flexibility types of moves on ice. And make random routines. The only people that know my secret is big brop-brop and aunt nanny. Aunt nanny dosent take care of me anymore but sometimes I call her and show her some random routines that she wants to see. Victor knows my secret but did not know that I improved. The last time he saw me do my secret routines was when I was 7. But... Sometimes I dont go their but go to my music sessions and play the four insruments. Piano,violin,drums, and guitar. You sometimes play something for aunt nanny. But even though your brother skates that dosent mean you cant do other sports to. You play volleyball on your free time as well. (lol the reader is little miss perfect!!!)

Yuri's pov

Tonight is the baquete of the senior debut yakov forced me to go their since im part of victors crew. I got ready for the baquet ugh! I really want to stay in my room and scrole through instagram right now!

Your pov

After I got home brother forced me to go to a baquete tonight so I got ready and wore a boyish dress...

After I got home brother forced me to go to a baquete tonight so I got ready and wore a boyish dress

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You were wearing that blue dress and with black leggings and black converse but not a jacket.

Time skip too baquet

Once we got their big brop-brop introduced me to one of the skaters. One of them tried to flirt with me but victor keeps on becoming the over protective type of brother. Im pretty sure he's regretting me to come here. I sat down on a random table and scroll through instagram.

Yuri's pov

When I got to the baquete I got bored fast and din't wanted to talk to other people so I just stand their scrolling through instagram.

Mila's pov

(Cheerleader accent mode on)So I was like talking to sara then I spotted a girl on like her phone I like dont know on like what is she doing then she like looks like the same age as like yuri so I like wanted to like make yuri like get like a girlfriend so like being the like stuborn me as like always I made a like idea to like play truth or like dare to like yuri to like talk to like that girl but if like only if he like chooses dare but like he's like daring so im like pretty sure that he'll choose like dare.

I like aproached to yuri and acted like a stuborn five year old. "Hey yuri~ truth or dare~?" He like got shoked and like got like pissed by me. "What the f*ck mila!? Why do I have to play this!?" I stomp my feet from anger. "Oh come on yuri just play it goddamit!" "Fine! Dare!" I clapped my hands from excitment. "Yay! I dare you too... Approach that girl over their and try to talk to her!" I pointed to the silvered haired girl with happiness and excitment all around my face. "C'mon yuri if you do I can give you pirozhki's~" "So your letting me do this so that I can eat something thats not grandfathers cooking and for a girl!? Ugh! Fine! Just to finish your hell hole of a dare!"

Yuri's pov

I stomp strait to the girl feild with ager then once I got closer from her I tried to look cool for that girl. 'God I wish I brought my hoodie!' I thought to my self. I stepped on the table using my left leg and glared at her with my death glare. "Hey you get out of my chair!" She placed her phone on the table with a loud noice that can give attention to the whole baquete. "And what if I dont!?" Her face was calm and expressionless but her eyes are feild with anger and looks like about to kill a person. "Then you'll!..." I sweat dropped cause I dint know what to say.


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