Together again

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Kate POV
Alissa and I are in the hospital still. We can't hug because of the beds. It is killing both of us, but at least we have the presence of each other. Today we are both being released from the hospital. Ever since Alissa been moved in my room doctors been lecturing her about taking her meds. I hate watching them. One is going on right now. They give the meds for her cancer then they lecture her. This one is different because of our release today. I watch the Price is Right while they happen. The doctor leaves. Alissa lets out a sigh. I look at her and she gives me a weak smile. I smile back at her and we watch the tv. France and Italy come in with food. Italy hugs Alissa and France hugs and kisses me. We smile. "We signed both of you out ,so we can leave after you eat,"France says. We smile and eat in silence. After eating they help us get up. "Don't we need a wheelchair,"says Alissa. Italy picks her up and says,"no,I think this is good." She smiles then France does the same to me. We walk like this to Italy's car because France's is still in the shop. The boys sit in the front while we sit in the back. We get to our homes. Before we depart Alissa brings our bodies together in a hug. We stay like this for a while then France picks me up. Italy does the same for Alissa and we go our separate ways.
••••••a week later•••••••••••
Alissa POV
Today is Valentine's Day. This is the first time I have a boyfriend on the holiday. I just woke up and the sun is shining through the window. I smile and I get up. I see daisy petals on the ground. He remembered those are my favorite. I follow them  to the kitchen. Italy is there waiting for me with 2 spaghetti breakfast tacos. Yum! He is smiling and I smile back at him. He gets up and walks toward me. We go into a deep kiss. As we eat he says,"today is going to be very special for you madam." I laugh and say,"I can't wait kind sir." We finish eating and I go get dress.
Kate POV
I awake to see rose petals all over the floor. I follow them and see France with a rose in his mouth. Music is playing in the background. He takes my hands and we dance. Our puppy,Luther, is running around us happily and we laugh. After the dance he kisses me. I blush and he leads me to the table to see my favorite breakfast. Waffles! We eat and he says,"today is your day. I have planned a lot. So get dressed." I smile and do as he says. As I get dress I think about how lucky I am. I can't wait to get this day started.
Alissa POV
Italy takes me in his car to the hill where we first met. There is a picnic set up. With my favorite foods. I blush and we sit and talk. After the picnic I stand up but turn around to see him on one knee. I gasp. He starts saying,"Alissa you are the love of my life. I have always loved you and I want to love you till I die. Even when I die I will still love you. I want to raise a family with you and marry you. I want to have pasta dinners with you.So will you promise me that we will one day marry." I smile and say ,"yes,yes." First in a whisper then loudly. He puts a princess ring on my finger. It is rose gold. In the inside it says,"my sauce to my pasta."I smile and we kiss for a while. "I love you." He responds,"i love you."
The day goes on with him taking me to special places and ends with us cuddling each other watching a movie. I fall asleep on him but I am slightly awake. I feel him carrying me to our bed. He tucks me in and goes to the other side. He kisses me and whispers,"I love you my princess."
Kate POV
Luther follows me outside in the backyard. France said to meet him there. I see him by the hammock. I walk over and Luther is trotting behind me. I don't see France,but instead a rose bush. I walk over to them and smell them. There is a piece of paper in it. I open and it says:"my love,go to the place where we shared our love and gained another love. Look for another bush of roses."
I think for a bit,I look down at Luther. Luther,the lake! I walk out of the backyard with Luther in my arms. I finally get there and start searching. I first go by the lake. No roses. I then go by the tree where we had our picnic. Roses! I look inside and there is another note. I get that these are clues and hopefully it will go to him. I miss him already. The clue says:"Head to the place where it was the saddest day for me. Go to where we were heading. Look for a guy in a green and silver tie. I will see you soon my true love."
These clues are making me be as red as the roses. I immediately knew where to go. It was a sad day for me,too. I put Luther in a leash and we start walking to the place where we were going to have a date. When I arrive I start looking. Green and silver tie,green and silver tie. I keep repeating those words in my head. I freeze when I see a guy holding a rose with a green and silver tie. I walk towards him and say,"hi,I think you have a clue for me." He nods and says,"he said to read it to you,but first here is a rose." He stops talking and hands me the rose. I take it and smell it. He starts talking again,"here it is:go to the place where I first met my eyes with your pretty chocolate eyes. I found my true love there." I nod and think,the hill. I say," thank you." He nods me and wishes me luck. I start walking with Luther. He looks so happy. It makes me smile even more. I see roses placed in a heart on the side of the hill. I start running up it. I see him sitting down. He looks up at me. He smiles. I run over to him and kiss him, he kisses me back. I love him so much. "I love you,"I say. He responds,"I love you." We kiss again and Luther is barking happily. We laugh. I pick him up. "Um... I have something for you." He bends down on one knee. "Kate,ever since I laid my eyes on you I knew that you were the one. I never met someone I love as much as I love you. So with that I know that we are too young to get married. One day I want to marry you, so will you promise me that one day will get married." He opens up a box with a promise ring in it. I nod then say,"yes!" He put the ring on. I look at it. It has rose petals that are shaped in a heart. Around the rim on the inside it says,"my true love we are fate." At this point I have happy tears in my eyes. We kiss and I am still holding Luther. He licks are chins. We laugh and continue to kiss. He has a picnic with my favorite foods. We sit and eat. This is truly the best in the world.
Author's note
Heyyyy HAPPY VERY LATE VALININE's DAY!!! Hope you liking this book!!

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