The christmas present

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Kate POV
Alissa and I agreed to keep the bottle in my room. She left the next day and I am examining it. I really miss France. The weeks go on and it is Christmas Break. We are planning to have another sleepover soon. I can't wait.
Alissa POV
I am getting ready for a sleepover with Kate. She is coming to my house and bringing the bottle. I am planning as a Christmas gift to go back to the anime world. I really miss it,too. She arrives and we go to my room. "I have a surprise for you,"I start and she starts smiling,"we are going to go back and see our boyfriends." She takes the bottle out and we hold it. I untwist the cap and it sucks us in.
•••••••••IN ANIME WORLD•••••
We arrive in the world on the same hill. As we start walking back to their houses we see everything the same when we left. We get to the houses. "Okay,this is it, let's meet back here tonight at 8:00 to make sure everything is ok." Kate nods and we hug and depart our ways. I enter the house and as soon as I open the door, I see Italy on the couch. Italy looks my way and runs to me. He picks me up and we kiss.
Kate POV
I walk in the door and see France in the kitchen eating he looks at the door and smiles. I smile back and we walk to each other. We hug and kiss for a while. "I missed you," I say. "You have only been gone for 2 hours, and I missed you too,"he responds. That gets my head running. I let it go so I can be with him but remember it so I can tell Alissa.
Alissa POV
"I missed you," I say as we cuddle on the couch. "You have only been gone for 2 hours but I missed you,too." I smile but think that I need to tell Kate tonight. I let it go so I can be with my boyfriend.
••••••••later at 8:00•••••••
Kate POV
"Hey, we need to talk,"I say.
"Yeah,same but you go first,"she responds."Okay so France thinks I was gone for 2 hours." "OMG,same,"she says. "So you know how we figured out how when we leave our world time stops,"she nods when I say this,"well maybe time stops here or slows down now that we have been here." She nods again and says,"I thought that too because I have been thinking,too." We hug and carry on our night. Before I leave she says,"I will call if anything happens and call me too." I nod and go back to my France. The next morning I wake up to France's arm around my waist. I smile and start to kiss him. He wakes up and kisses me back it turns into a morning bedroom session. He gets up afterwards and starts cooking. I get dressed in day clothes seeing my stuff still there. I walk in the kitchen and the aroma of eggs and toast and bacon being made. I smile and wrap my arms around his waist and then get my drink. We eat and talk during breakfast.
Alissa POV
I wake up the next morning to  a sheets. I get up and go to the kitchen. I see Italy dancing in the kitchen while cooking. I smile and go up behind he stops and turns around he kisses the top of my head and then my lips. He goes back to cooking. I go set the table and get our drinks. When I sit down I think,"I love that man." I smile and he serves my plate,"your food my love." He  sits down and I say,"thank you my love." We both smile and eat.  Our day goes on and every moment with him makes me want to stay forever.
Kate POV
France and I are cuddling while watching a movie. We holding each other and randomly during the movie he says,"I love you." I blush and say,"I love you,too." We kiss and we continue cuddling even when the movie was over. I am so glad that we are back I just want to stay here forever.

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