The ball

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Ever since France gave me the promise ring our relationship has been better than ever. Everything just seems happier when I was in the coma it was like the defining point of our relationship. Do we actually love each other or is it a fling? We do love each other.

I have decided to keep a diary of everything that happens. I keep it hidden because I don't want him to know where I actually come from. I have just finished an entry and put it back in it's hiding place. I leave the room and enter the den. France is there. We smile at each other and I say,"I'm going to go walk Luther and check on Alissa,okay?" He responds,"okay, but be careful." "I will." I kiss him and get Luther's leash. I put it on the little puppy and we walk out the door. We walk across street to Italy's and Alissa's house. I knock on the door and I hear an,"I'll get it." I know that is Alissa and when she opens the door she smiles at me and looks down to see Luther jumping on her leg. Being careful of her oxygen cords,she pets him and says,"do y'all wanna come in?" "Uh actually I was wondering if you wanna walk with us,"I say. "I'm going out,"she yells to Italy. He comes by,hugs her and kisses her."ok but be careful,"he says. "I will." We leave and walk,talk and laugh. When we come back to her house,I hug her. She hugs back. We stay like that for a while,in the hug she says,"I miss this." "Me too,I miss us." We pull away and she hugs me one last time,pets Luther goodbye and opens the door. "Bye,"she says. "Bye."
•••••••••••the next day••••••••
Yesterday was awesome with Kate. I wake up and I see Italy looking at the window confused. I walk over and put my arms around him and see what he is looking at. "There has been crowds of people heading into town,"he says. "And you want to go check it out?" He nods and we get ready to go. When we leave I walk over to France's and Kate's house. I knock on their door and both of them answer. I tell them about it and we all leave together. We follow the crowd. We end up at this big grass patio area. There is a board that says,"TOWN BALL!" It gives us the when and where details. We go back to our houses. On the way there we talk about it. I suggest to Kate,"do you wanna go dress shopping tomorrow?" She says,"yes!" We arrive at our houses and we hug each other goodbye. I hug Kate a little longer. We depart to our own houses. I can't wait for the ball!!!
•the next day(1 month until ball)•
Today Alissa and I are going dress shopping. I wake up,get dressed and go into the kitchen. I see France cooking breakfast. I go up to him and put my arms around him. "I can't wait for you to come back. I'm going to miss you." I blush, he always makes me feel warm inside. "It's going to be okay,Italy is literally across the street. I'm going to miss you,"I say. He serves our food,as I take it I kiss him on the lips and start eating. I go brush my teeth and pet Luther goodbye. Just before I leave, France takes me by the arm and kisses me. I kiss him back. I smile when we finish and leave.
I hear a knock on the door. Italy comes up to me and kisses me. "Be careful,"he says. I nod and kiss him. We hear another knock,"be there in a second,"I say. We kiss once more and I leave. I see Kate standing there with her arms crossed. I laugh and say,"let's go!" We walk into town and discuss where we are going. We head into the first place and find nothing. We continue to go to places until we finally found a good place. I pick up a semi-long pink and silver dress. I say to Kate,"hey I'm going to try this on." I show her the dress and she shows me a dress of her own and says,"me too." She has a white top of the dress and a long black bottom. I put it on and come out. There is a mirror near the room.I LOVE IT!!Kate comes behind me and she looks so pretty. "I think we found the one,"I say. She nods and we get dressed.(pics included)
We leave after paying. We go eat lunch and then buy shoes. I am so excited for it!!
I hug Alissa goodbye and I walk in. France looks up and runs toward me. I shut the door and he picks me up. I lift my legs off the ground. He spins me around. He puts me down and we kiss. When we finish I laugh and say,"did you miss me." He laughs too and he takes me to the kitchen. There is a nice dinner set up. We eat happily. After we eat he takes both of my hands and puts them to his chest. We are so close I could kiss him. I want to kiss him. Instead he says,"will you go to the dance with me?I know it was probably intended but I wanted to be formal." I smile and kiss him. "I'm guessing that is a yes,"he says and laughs. I nod a yes and we kiss again.
I walk across the street to Italy's and mine house. I open the door and smile. I stand there and see Italy sleeping on the couch. He looks so tired. I take off my shoes and join him. He wakes up a bit."shh,"I whisper. I kiss him and he lightly kisses me back. We sleep like that the rest of the day and night. Me on top of him. I hug him and he is holding my hand. I love this.

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