Uh-oh (bad days)

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I walk with France to a fancy restaurant . As we walk across the street, I hear a car. "Come on let's hurry, so we don't get run over," I say worryingly. No,no they will stop,he says ever so calmly. That was an understatement, the car,that I heard, speeds down the street. It can't stop!!! We look at each other,"I love you," we say in  unison. We try and get to the sidewalk, France and I are hit. BAM! I see black spots, everything hurts and I hear screaming with a mix of sirens. I think of France hoping he is alive. With that thought, I black out.
Italy and I are watching the news. We here about a crash and that 2 people are injured and being hospitalized. "That is so sad," I say . Italy nods, then we hear the names,Kate and France. "That can't be them," Italy says. "Kate told me they were going on a date near there,"I say. We look at each other and start to go to the hospital. We run as fast as we can,by with my oxygen tank and cancer, it is hard for me.when we finally get to the desk at the hospital,I lie,"Hi we family of Kate and France." She looks up at me and goes on her computer then says,"Please wait is the waiting room we will tell you news in a bit. I will notify their doctor." "Ok, thank you," Italy says. We sit down and talk a bit. A doctor comes out after a while and says,"family and friends of Kate and France,come with me. We stand up immediately and follow him. "Hi my name is Dr.Finn. I am their doctor. We introduce ourselves then stop outside of a room. He then tells us," they both have a broken leg, Kate was hit in the chest and is in a tiny coma.France is not as bad ,he was hit is the chest and lower torso,so he has a bit of broken bones. He is resting right now and should be up in the morning." I gasped at everything and on the verge of tears. My chest hurts ,but I ignore it, thinking it is just because I am about to cry out Niagara Falls. "I will let you have a moment with them and come back in a bit,"he says. As soon as he opens the door I run over to Kate's bedside and once Dr.Finn closes the door the waterfalls starts coming out. Italy goes to France's side. I pick up and hold her hand. After a bit I wipe my tears and the doctor comes in. "I just verified that you can stay in here as long as you want." I stay while Italy goes to get some things for us. There is a comfy chair that I try and push it over with my weak,cancerous,skinny,frail body. I finally push it over and feel weak afterwards. I hold her hand and fall asleep to the awful sight of IV bags and needles all around me.
I wake to see our hands still together. I see Italy sleeping next to France. I smile at the sight of him. I place her hand back and walk over to see some of stuff laying on a table,which consists of, water, food,mess for my cancer,clothes, and toiletries. I put new clothes on  and eat a muffin. I take my meds. I walk back to Kate and talk to her.
I awake to the sweet voice of Alissa. I open my eyes and see her talking to Kate. I smile and walk over to her. I hug her and kiss the top of her head. She stops talking and looks up. I see very few happiness in her eyes. "I ate a muffin and took my meds." I smile at her and she smiles back. "I'm going to eat and get dressed." I go into the bathroom to get dressed. When I come out to eat I look at France and see him stirring. I tell Alissa and she goes to get the doctor. The doctor comes in and says,"I am glad to see that you are awake France,my name is Dr.Finn and I am your doctor." France replies with,"hi and what happened." We all explain to him his conditions and the story of last night. When we tell him about Kate I see water in his eyes. I know for a fact that he loves her and this must be hard for him. He looks at her bed. The doctor leaves to get him food. The tears start coming at the look of her. "It is my fault, I told her the car would stop." "No it is the car's fault for being stupid," Alissa says. The food comes and he eats and we talk. His face has tear streaks. Weeks pass by and Alissa is depressed. She won't eat or take her meds. She won't leave the room. I tell her that she needs to but she refuses. Then one day......
My chest starts hurting but I try and ignore it. I don't want it to be my cancer. I feel bad for France. He keeps saying it is his fault. I try and tell him no but he won't listen. I see spots so I sit down next to Kate in my chair and hold her hand then it happens. I can't breathe and yell,"ITALY." He rushes over and I black out.
I hear Alissa yell for Italy and he runs over to her. She is holding Kate's hand. "Please watch her I will go get a doctor,"he tells me and runs out the room. I see Kate's hand squeeze Alissa's hand lightly. Then the doctors come in. Italy starts telling them that she hasn't been eating or taking her meds and also tells them that she has lung cancer. They take Alissa's hand from Kate's and rush her away and I am left by myself except for Kate. I learned how to move again and is almost healed. I walk,the best I can to Kate. I sit down in the chair and hold her hand.

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