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Kate POV
I am sitting with Alissa in her house. She has the bottle in her hand. "Should we go back and see what happened?" She asks. "Well we know time stops sooo..,"I say. "Oh ya,"she responds. "I still want to go back just for a bit,"she says. "Ok,sure." She opens the bottle and we go in.
••••••••regular world••••••••••
Kate POV
We are back in her room. It is still Christmas Day. Her oxygen tank and tubes are gone. Our clothes has changed,too. We split up and since we can't sleep without our loves,we make a quick visit to our family. "Okay meet back here,"she looks at the clock it reads 5:45pm,"meet here at 6:30." I nod and we hug. I leave and go to my house. We live right next to each other so it was very easy for me. I walk in and I am filled with love.
•••••••••••@ 6:30•••••••••••••
Alissa POV
Kate runs in my room. I hand her the bottle and she twists it.
•••••••••back in anime world•••
Everything is just as we left it. I have my oxygen tubes and tank back. I sigh. We plop on the floor,tired. We soon fall asleep.

I wake up and see Kate on the floor next to me. I try and get up. My back is in pain. I start making breakfast. Italy and France are still at France's place. I see her walk in. "You back hurts?" She nods and I respond,"same." After breakfast I find pain medicine. I look at the calendar and see I have an appointment today. "Huh,I have an appointment today." "Well good luck,"she responds. I smile.
••••••••later that evening••••••
Alissa POV
Italy is taking me to my appointment. He is so worried it worsened. I will be getting a MRI today. I really hate those. We wait in the waiting room. A nurse calls my name and we follow the nurse. We then wait in a room for the doctor. While we wait she does her normal nurse stuff. The doctor walks in. "Okay let's get started."
I hate those words...

So we are driving home. I just got news. I am going to go tell Kate now. We arrive at her house. We knock on the door. She opens and she engulfs me in a hug. I smile and we walk inside. "So I got bad news." She looks at me worried and I continue. "Um so the bad news is it worsened. But because of that I have to go on chemo next week. Also I have more medications. I am on stage 3." She grabs me and hugs me again. I hug her back and we start crying. The boys join and we have a group hug. We leave and I feel so bad for breaking her heart. I don't want to scare her. I love too much.
Kate POV
I am so worried for Alissa . France looks at me. He see worry in my eyes. He is holding me. "Let's go on a date to distract you." I nod and I go get ready. I need to be happy. I love Alissa and I love France. I want to spend time with him. I put on a dress and flats I don't want to get too dressed up. I walk out and he has a tux on. He looks so handsome. I kiss him and we leave."Is it a surprise,"I ask. He nods. "Okay." I like surprises. We arrive to cute little restaurant. We walk in and get a table. I look at the menu. "Sweetie?" "Hmm,"I answer. "Do you know what you what." I nod. The waitress comes and we order. I see France trying to distract me by talking. He is so adorable I love him for that. We get our food and eat. After we eat we walk home. "I actually had fun tonight,thank you,I love you,"I say. "I love you,too." He kisses the top of my head. I smile and we go home and cuddle.

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