New Room and New Family

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    The very idea of having a bed to myself was unthinkable, space was always scarce at the orphanage. To even dream of having a bedroom this big, I didn't have words. I had a queen sized bed with a canopy over it, like I was a princess or something. In front of the bed was a fur rug that was insanely soft. Over on the far side of my room was an actual fire place, with real wood and everything. Across from my bed on the opposite wall was a vanity where I could attempt to test out my pretty good makeup skills. I could see a cracked door that led into a huge walk in closet. I just kept spinning in circles, admiring everything that was now mine. "I-I don't know what to say. I mean, this-this is beautiful. You did all over this for me?" I had tears in my eyes as I looked to Jensen.  He nervously rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah, I mean you deserve your own room. I hope you like it." I couldn't help myself as I ran over to him and hugged him. "Thank you. Thank you so much." I could feel his smile and he lightly squeezed me. 

     Jensen have me one last smile and then cracked my bedroom door, leaving me to myself for a little bit. I gasped at my surroundings, "So this is what money looks like. People say money can't buy happiness. They've never been in a bookstore or in this room." I giggled at my stupid joke the sat down on the bed, well more like I sank into it. It was incredibly soft and seriously are kittens inside this mattress?! I patted the mattress affectionately, then stood to look at the closet. I could easily have fit the bedroom I shared in the closet. I hmmed and wondered if I could talk Jensen into using half of the space for book shelves. I shrugged and decided to ask him later.   

    I noticed two doors, I went to the one on the left and opened it. I found a bathroom for my personal use. "That's a new concept. A bathroom all to me." I smiled at the privacy and closed the door. Then I moved to the door on the right. I opened it, expecting maybe another closet or something like that. I was pleasantly surprised. "Well, I guess I don't have to half my closet now." The entire room was covered in shelves loaded with books. I felt like I was in Beauty and the Beast. I about fainted when I discovered the books were organized by genre and alphabetized. "Dear Chuck, I think I might be in heaven." I walked up to a random shelf and began to see what genre it held. I smiled fondly as I realized it was classic novels. Then, I noticed a small area with soft, comfortable couches and chairs, along with fleece blankets and lamps. "My own little safe haven." I grinned to myself. Reluctantly, I closed the door, but I knew I'd be in there constantly. 

    I carefully walked back down, stairs always been a difficult task for me. Once I got to the bottom, I held on to the railing for a few minutes, trying to get my breathing steady again. I kept breathing and that's how Danneel found me, trying to not pass out. "Hey, honey are you okay?" My breathing wasn't calming down so I started to panic a little. She noticed my demeanor change and she put her hands on my upper arms. "Okay sweetie, I need you to focus on me alright? Just look at me and breathe with me." I kept my gaze on her as she coached me through it. Once I had gotten my breathing under control, I thanked her. "Thank you. Stairs and I don't get along very well anymore." Danneel lightly chuckled and helped me to a couch. "Are you sure a bedroom upstairs is best for you? Maybe we should switch you down here." She pondered, looking concerned for me. I shook my head no. "No, I want to stay there please. I can manage the stairs, it's just where I'm still not as strong was I normally am." Danneel seemed hestitant, but she nodded anyway. "You have to promise to tell Jensen or me if it gets too hard for you okay?" I smiled and said I would. 

       Time passed quickly as I got acquainted with my new surroundings. Before I knew it, it was time for Dinner with Celebrities to start. I rushed, well more like walked half a second faster than normal, to get ready. I threw on some decent make up. "Liner sharp enough to kill." I winked in the mirror, hyping myself up. It took me longer to decide just what in the world to wear. I mean what do you wear to a party with celebrities? I thought jeans and a nice shirt would be okay. I threw the outfit on and looked in the mirror inside my closet. "Not too shabby, but more clothes other than Supernatural merchandise would be probably be a good idea." I mumbled to myself. Deeming myself ready, I held onto the railing and my nerves, then strolled into the closest thing to a red carpet event I'd ever see. 

Alright beauties, this was kind of a filler so sorry about that. Writing juices are running low lately. But not to worry, I promise the next chapter will be the bomb diggity. Thanks for sticking around! Rock on!


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