Meeting the Medic

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(A/N)- In this story you are: a female and apart of the RED team

(Y/N)- your name

(F/N)- first name

(L/N)- last name

Italics- Thoughts


"GET UP MAGGOT!" Soldier screamed as he stepped on one of the trainees trying to do a push-up.

Ugh why does he have to be such an ass to almost everyone, like I understand he's trying to make us stronger but this is probably why so many people quit.

You never really had any problems with Soldier because he was your uncle and he only really picked on the "weaker" trainees. You knew how to rocket jump, stick jump, build a sentry, snipe, backstab, use a flamethrower, properly use a medi-gun, use a smaller mini-gun (because the real mini-gun was just too heavy), and you were the fastest one out there. You were a jack-of-all-trades and you knew you would be the one to join the REDs.

While in deep-thought, Soldier noticed you weren't doing push-ups and walked up to you. Knowing you were the best one there, he was a bit worried (which was odd), he thought maybe you were sick or something and didn't want you not to be able to join because you got behind (A/N sorry if this doesn't make sense, to clarify, he didn't want you to get sick, fall behind and not be able to join the REDs).

Soldier stood in front of you with a puzzled face. "MAGGOT, FRONT AND CENTER!" he yelled. You got up as quick as you could not to anger him. You turned a bit pale thinking you might me punished for not doing the exercises.

"Maggot, are you feeling alright?"

"Sir, yes, sir"

"Are you sure?"

"Sir, yes, sir"

"You look very pale, why don't you go stop by medi-bay?"

"Ok, sir"

You never really liked doctors because you heard about this one doctor who stole his patient's skeleton and was never heard from again.

Soldier told you were you would find the medi-bay and you were on your way. While you were on your way to the medi-bay, you got lost and met a few of the mercs. You met sniper who was a New Zealander, Spy who was French, Engi who was Texan, and Heavy who was Russian. They were all very nice and pointed you in the right direction. Soon enough you were at the medi-bay, it had a waiting room and two steel doors. A bit nervous, you knocked on the steel doors.

"Come in" a German voice said. You opened up the door and were greeted by a nice doctor.

"Hallo, I've never seen jou here before, but anyvays, I am Medic" he reached out his hand to shake yours.

"Hello Medic, I'm (F/N) (L/N), I'm training to be apart of the REDs"

"Ok very nice to meet jou, Fräulein (y/n)"

Damn, he's cute. I could stare into his icy blue eyes forever. He has a cute little curl resting on his forehead, he has a very defined jawline and his accent is adorable. I would love to get to know him better (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)

What am I saying, he's probably married. I wouldn't be surprised if he was, a man that handsome has got to be married. Though I don't see a ring but he could take it off to not ruin it. I couldn't date, not only because he probably married but because I'm 18 and he's somewhere around 30-40.

You just stood there taking in his looks as he tries to get your attention.

"Hallo? Fräulein? (y/n)? Are jou zere?". He snapped his fingers, breaking you from your trance.

"Oh, sorry" your face turned a deep red.

"Gud, you are back. As I vas saying 'how may I help jou?'"

"S-Soldier wanted me to c-come over here and get c-checked, he thinks I m-might be getting sick"

Oh my god, what the fuck is happening to me?, why am I stuttering?, I never stutter.

"Oh, I see. Vell then let me check jou liebe" He motioned you to sit on the examination table and you did so.

"So..." Medic trailed off.

"Soo...?" you questioned.

"So... vhat are jou training to be?" he says as he starts your check-up.

"To be honest, I don't exactly know yet. Soldier says I'm good at all the classes. He said that the administrator might add a class just for me."

"vhich class do jou like the most?"

"I really enjoy using the medi-gun, bone saw, and syringe gun." you start blushing knowing that Medic uses all of those weapons.

"Maybe jou could... be my assistant, I mean if jou don't get jour own class" He said, starting to turn red.

"Yeah, I would love to be your assistant if I don't get my own class"

He takes out his stethoscope and as he puts it on you chest and his other hand went to your back, to check your lungs and heart, you jump a bit.

"Are jou ok schön? Did I hurt you?" he asks concerned.

"No you didn't hurt me, your hands are just cold"

"Mein apologies fräulein"

"It's ok, you don't have to apologize, here let me help you warm up you hands" blushing, you grab his hands and hold them close to you. You saw him blushing too and release his hands thinking he was uncomfortable and mentally facepalm yourself.

What the fuck am I doing? Like I thought before he is probably married.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." you say, looking at the floor in embarrassment.

"Nein..." he puts a finger under your chin to make you look into his icy blue eyes "jou did not make me uncomfortable, in fact.." He grabbed your hands "jou have warmed mein hands".

"Shall ve proceed?"

"Yeah" you say still blushing.

~~time skip to after the check-up~~

"Fräulein, jou are absolutely fine, jou are not getting sick or anyzing of zhe sorts"

"Well thank you Medic, it was nice meeting you"

"Ihr Willkommen und ich hoffe, Sie zu sehen schön". You gave him a painfully obvious confused look.

"Apologies, Jour are velcome and I hope to zee jou around"

"ohh ok I got it." You walk back to training with your face completely red.

Soldier sees you coming back and walks over to you. "What did he say? are you ok?"

"Yes, sir, he said I'm completely fine"

"Ok, great." He notice that you were madly blushing. "How was you visit?" "It was ok... but I do think I might be coming down with something now" You said obviously lying.


done in 1079 words

(A/N) ok this is my first story on here ever so please comment what you liked or didn't like so I can build on it and also please comment if you want more.

Thanks much and I will be making a Medic pov of after the check-up later.

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