A Night of Romance (lemon-ish)

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You were sleeping with Medic in his bed, his arms wrapped around your waist and his chin resting on your head. Your head was in the nook of his neck and your arms around him. It had been a few months since BLU Spy kidnapped you and you didn't feel comfortable in your room so you moved into Medic's room. Medic didn't mind as long as you were with him.

Slowly the two of you woke up.

"Happy one anniversary, mein klein taube (my little dove)"

"Happy anniversary mein doktor" you grab his face and pull him in for a kiss. You part from your kiss and just stare into each others eyes, losing yourself in his dreamy, icy, blue eyes and him in your beautiful, (e/c) eyes. After a bit, Medic breaks the silence.

"So taube, vhat vould jou like to do today, on our special day?" Medic asked.

"To be honest, I don't know. I kinda just wanna stay here and cuddle"

"I see but how vould jou like me to make us dinner?"

"That sounds nice"

"Zhen ve shall do zhat"


~~time skip to evening~~

Medic was in the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on the dinner he was making for you two. The others had eaten earlier so you didn't have to worry about them. You were in your shared room getting ready, you were wearing a long, (fav color), formal dress with heels and you were just finishing up your make up. When you finished, you went to the living room and found all of the guys watching a movie. They all turned to you and looked at you in awe.

"You are lookin' might fine darlin'" Engi said with a smile.

" 'ou look magnifique mon ami" Spy said taking a puff of his cigarette.

"(y/n) is pretty, pretty princess!" Heavy kinda yelled

"Yes, you look beautiful (y/n)" Solly said. Scout stood there, drool coming from the side of his mouth.

"Aw thanks guys" you blushed.

"Ja jou look absolutely stunning, taube" you turned to see Medic had change from his casual outfit to a black suit and tie, holding a bouquet of roses. He handed you the roses.

"And you look strikingly handsome"

"Danke, vell dinners ready, shall ve?" he oftered his arm, which you took and he lead you to the lab where he had set up a round dinning table with candles, non-alcoholic champagne, along with the dinner he had prepared. All around the table were rose petals.

~~time skip to after dinner~~

"This was beautiful Medic, thank you"

"No Zhank jou" he held your small hand in his large one.

"For what?"

"For making me zhe happiest man on Earth" He kisses your hand and continued to kiss up your arm to your neck. You shuttered getting a flashback to a few months ago with the BLU Spy, Medic stopped.

"Are jou ok, mein taube?" still holding your hand and cupping your face with his free hand.

"Yes its just..."

"Just vhat?" he asked remembering the past events "is that how he...?"

"yeah" you said looking down. He put his finger under your chin and made you look into his eyes.

"He vill never hurt jou again, he vill not even come close to jou, not as long as I live" he pulled you close to him "Ich liebe dich"

"I love you too Medic" you grabbed him by the tie and pulled him in for a kiss. The kiss, instead of being soft and loving like the rest, was passionate, and you loved it. You released his tie and put your hands on his chest, taking off his suit jacket, and slowly unbuttoning his dress shirt. He pulled away from the kiss and looked at you.

"Are jou sure? I don't want jou to feel like I'm pushing jou"

"Yes, Medic, I'm sure" he pulled you back into the passionate kiss, one of his hands went to your waist and the other was in your hair. You felt him lick and nibble on your bottom lip, asking for permission, which you granted. Your hands unbuttoned his shirt and now were working on his tie. He had slowly pulled from the kiss and kissed your jawline down to your neck, trying to find your sweet spot. You moaned when he found it. He got up and picked you up with him. He took you to your shared room and locked the door to prevent any interruptions. He sat down, making you straddle him. His hands went to the back of your dress and slowly unzipped it. You got up and took it off, while he took off the remaining parts of his suit. You were just in your (fav color) bra and panties and him just in his red boxers. You two continued where you left off, with the same intensity as before. He laid you on the bed and crawled on to you, he kissed up and down your body, from your lips down to your stomach. Your body became hot, longing for his soft and gentle touch. He got up and pulled you to the edge of the bed, you blushed when you saw the bulge in his boxers. He softly tugged at your panties, asking for permission, you were worried because this was your first time. He saw a worried look on your face and whispered in your ear "Don't worry mein taube, ich vill be as gentle as ich can be~", you gave him permission.

~~time skip to after~~

You were lying in bed, him on his back and you on his chest. Your hand entwined with the little chest hair he had, his hand was playing with your hair. You were drifting to sleep "Ich liebe dich, Medic"

"Ich liebe dich auch, mein taube"


971 words

(A/N)- thanks to @Hanabug02 for suggesting this chapter. If you guys want the Full lemon experience, you will have to ask, (I will if you ask). Also sorry I used Mein taube (My dove) a lot, I just really like the nickname.

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