(Lemon) A Night of Romance

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I changed a few things to make it more lemon-y but not too many things. Also translations at the bottom.


From the last chapter

"Yes, Medic, I'm sure~" he pulled you back into the passionate kiss, one of his hands went to your waist and the other was in your hair. You felt him lick and nibble on your bottom lip, asking for permission, which you granted. Your hands unbuttoned his shirt and now were working on his tie. He had slowly pulled from the kiss and kissed your jawline down to your neck, trying to find your sweet spot. You moaned when he found it.

He got up and picked you up with him. He took you to your shared room and locked the door to prevent any interruptions. He sat down, making you straddle him. His hands went to the back of your dress and slowly unzipped it. You got up and took it off, while he took off the remaining parts of his suit. You were just in your (fav color) bra and panties and him just in his red boxers. You two continued where you left off, with the same intensity as before.

He laid you on the bed and crawled on to you, he kissed up and down your body, from your lips down to your stomach. Your body became hot, longing for his soft and gentle touch. He got up and pulled you to the edge of the bed, you blushed when you saw the bulge in his boxers. He brought you back into a passionate kiss while slowly grinding his clothed hardened member against your covered hot entrance, making you moan in the kiss. You began bucking your hips against his and he grinned in the kiss. Slowly Medic pulled away causing you to whine from lack of contact. He softly tugged at your panties, asking for permission, you were worried because this was your first time. He saw a worried look on your face and whispered in your ear "Don't worry mein taube, ich vill be as gentle as ich can be~", you gave him permission.

(lemon starts now)

Medic slowly took off your panties, looking at you with lust and love in his eyes. When your panties were completely off, Medic got down on his knees and began to rub your wet and wanting womanhood. The doctor's skillful hand made you closed your eyes and moan in ecstasy. Medic slowly put one of his fingers in you, to make it easier for both of you later(nudge, nudge, wink, wink).

"M-M-Medic~" you moaned, grabbing the black sheets underneath you. Your moans were lewd music to his ears.

"Ich love zhe vay jou say mein name like zhat, I vould love to here jou do it again~" Medic said as he added another digit and slowly began thrusting into you. You didn't know how to react, never having felt this type of feeling before. You started to buck your hips against his hand, wanting to feel more. Medic brought his mouth to your entrance and began lapping your womanhood, to which you screamed in pleasure.

"M-M-Medic~ Ngh... D-Don't Stop" you moaned as his tongue found your clit and started to play with it. He had no intention of stopping, he wanted to keep hearing the moans that escaped your mouth. Medic took out his fingers but kept his mouth there, he wrapped his muscular arms around your legs as he worked on you.

He felt you start to constrict around his mouth and ceased his actions, not wanting it to end so quickly. You whined and whimpered when you felt him leave from in between your legs. You opened your eyes to see Medic standing in front of you, taking off his boxers, revealing his throbbing erection. You could not keep your eyes off of him, wondering how he was going to fit and staring in awe at his muscular body. You had only ever seen him in his casual clothes and once in his undershirt. Medic climbed on top of you and kissed you passionately, breaking you from your trance.

Medic moved from your lips to your neck and began leaving love bites as he positioned his member in front of your entrance.

"Are jou ready mein taube?~" he whispered in your ear, making you shiver.

"Yes~" you replied shakily "Please... take me~" and with that Medic slowly pushed his member into your entrance causing you to scream and desperately claw at his toned back. He pushed himself all the way in and waited for you to adjust to him. After a bit, you moved your hips, signaling that you were ready. Medic understood and began slowly thrusting, feeling every inch of you. The clawing at his back became less desperate and more lustful.

He moaned and groaned in your neck, making you want more.

"M-Medic... go faster... please~" you moaned in his ear and he complied with your wishes.

"(y/n)... ngh.. du bist so tight~" Medic grabbed your legs and put them on his shoulders to go deeper in you "Ich love it~". He began pounding you, wanting to hear you moan more, wanting to fill every bit of you, wanting you, craving you. You screamed and moaned in ecstasy, arching your back. Everything you did; moan, scream his name, attemp to claw at his back, made his manhood twitch, threatening to push him over the edge.

"M-Medic, I'm so close~"

"Me too~" he continued until you came on his member, screaming his name. Feeling you constrict around him, pushed him over the edge, making him throw his head back in pleasure and causing him to come in you. He continued to pound you to ride out both of your orgasms.

Finally, he pulled out and collapsed next to you, pulling you close to him. He was on his back with his arm around you, playing with you hair and you were on your side with your hand entwined with the little chest hair he had.

"I love you Medic" you said drifting to sleep.

"Ich liebe dich auch, mein klein taube"


Mein taube- my dove

du bist- you are

ich- I

Ich liebe dich auch, mein klein taube- I love you too, my little dove

1020 words

(A/N)- This was my first lemon, so I hope you guys liked it.

I also had this finish about an hr ago but I published it from my computer, forgot it doesn't send notifications if I publish from my computer, unpublished it, tried to publish it from my phone but half of the story was gone (yes I did save it), and I had to re-write half of it.

2 MORE CHAPTERS LEFT and they will hopefully be out sometime this week.

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