"I vill kill HIM"

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Sorry, but there is a lemon-lime scene. No undressing but other thing happen.


After the incident with BLU Spy, Medic made sure to keep his eye on you, even more than before. You didn't mind this at all because Medic spent more time with you. You never were alone, other than a few exceptions, like going to the bathroom, showers, and surgeries. Medic also asked the others to watch over you during battles if he wasn't around.

You noticed that BLU Spy has been eyeing you up, like he would disguise himself as scout, just to get close to you. At one point, while disguised as RED Spy, he hugged you, but he got a little too friendly. His hand got lower almost to your butt, knowing your Spy would never do something like that, you got out your melee weapon, and hit him so hard his mask came off. Lucky for you, you two were near one of Engi's sentries, so you didn't need to do anything. You also noticed that BLU Spy would do anything to even see you, you would often see him in BLU Sniper's tower with a pair binoculars.


It was around 8pm at the base, you and Medic were in the living room watching a movie. You were sitting on his lap with your head on his chest.

"This movie is getting kinda boring, don't you think Medic?"


"Do you wanna do something else?"

"I vas going to run a few experiments but-"

"But what?"

"I enjoy spending time vith jou"

"So do I but sometimes it's good to do our own things"

"So jou don't mind me going to run some experiments?"

"As long as your in bed before midnight, I know once you start working it hard to stop but you need sleep"

"Ok liebling, Ich will be in bed by midnight"

"Ok" you got off of his lap and helped him up "I'll see you by midnight"

~~time skip to 10pm~~

You heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?"


"Done experimenting already?" you said opening the door.

"Ja, I'm ready for bed"

"Good because so am I" you laid down in the bed and Medic followed. You curled up to him and he wrapped his arms around you but something was different, he didn't smell like his cologne and aftershave, he smelled like smoke. You just thought it was from experimenting or something so you just shrugged it off.

"Good night Medic, I love you"

"Gut night... mon amour"

"Wait, wh-" He held a cloth to your face and you quickly pasted out.

~BLU Spy's POV~

"I never zhought my plan vould vork but I 'ave 'er now." I thought out loud.

I quickly picked her up bridal style, jumped out the window, and headed to my base. She looked so peaceful and beautiful in my arms. I knew that I wouldn't have too much time with her so I'm going to make every minute count and I'm not giving her up without a fight. I took her to my room, laid her down, and cuddled with her until she woke up. She opened her eyes slowly, took in her surroundings, and started to freak out, then she saw me and started to cry.

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