Joining the REDs

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You in your room after a long day of training. You're exhausted but can't sit down because today was the day they announced who would be accepted to join the REDs. Since the administrator didn't want the "rejects" to know who got in to avoid any problems, they would come in every room and tell you right before bed and everyone, except for the accepted, had to leave before 10am the next day.

It was an hour before bed when you heard a knock at your door.

"Who is it?" you ask.

"Me, Soldier" he said kind of depressed. You open the door and see Soldier looking at the ground, you couldn't see his face because of the helmet. You closed your door as he sat down on your bed.

"Uncle Solly, what's wrong? Did I not get in?" you said at the verge of tears, you looked down at the floor, mentally scolding yourself.

I didn't try hard enough, what are my parents gonna say when they find out? What is Soldier gonna do? me being his niece, I was suppose to be strong, and amazing at almost everything.

While scolding yourself, you hear a chuckle from Soldier. You look up and see him with a grin, stretching from eat to ear. After he notice you saw him, he couldn't keep himself together and bursted out laughing. With tears in your eyes, you ask him "what the hell is going on?". After his laughing fit was over, he calmly walked over to where you were standing.

Wiping a tear from his eye, he said "I guess my acting is pretty good"

"Acting? what do you mean acting? Did I-"

"Yes maggot, you're joining the REDs"

"YASSSSSSSSS" you pulled Soldier in for a hug but quickly pulled away. "You're such an ass, how could you do that to me?" you said playfully punching him.

"I wanted to your reaction, I'm sorry"

"Alright, I forgive you... this time" You really wanted to tell Medic that you're joining the REDs but you weren't sure if you could.

"Hey Uncle Solly, would I be able to tell a few mercs that I got in?"

"Like who?"

"Like Engi, Spy, Heavy,... and Medic" You started to blush just saying Medic's name.

"I really shouldn't le-"

"Please, Please, Please, Solly" you said with puppy dog eyes.

"Aww, how could I say no to that face. Fine but you tell know one I said it was ok, am I understood?"

"Sir, yes, sir" you saluted him.

"At ease"

You quickly and quietly make your way to the RED base with Soldier following.

~Time skip to the RED base~

You run in and find Engi, Spy, Heavy, Sniper and someone you hadn't met yet sitting in the living room.

"Leetle girl is back" Heavy said

"Oh hey, what's up, sweet cheeks?" said someone you didn't know

"Scout, shut up. Mademoiselle, it is nice to see 'ou again" said Spy. Well at least you know who that guy was.

"Nice to see you again, darlin'" Engi said tipping his hat

"Oi, Noice to see ya, do ya need directions to medic again?" Sniper asked

It was nice to know that you set a good first impression, good enough for them to remember you even from just talking for less than 5 minutes and telling you directions.

"No, I don't need directions to the medi-bay" you could bring yourself to say his name because of how you got earlier. "I just needed to tell you guys something"

"What is it, darlin'?" Engi looked a bit worried

"Guess who's joining the REDs, Me!"

"Fantastique" Spy said rather pleased

"That great darlin"

"Noice job, Sheila"

"Heavy is very, VERY happy leetle (y/n) is joining team"

"FINALLY, now I'm not the only hot one around here" Shouted scout.

"YES, we are all very happy my niece is joining the team" Soldier said patting your shoulder.

"Vait, jour niece? Is joining zhe team?" Medic said from behind you and Soldier.

"Yes, my niece, I'm so proud of her living up to my name and legacy."

"Oh, hi Medic" you say looking at the floor trying to hide your blush

"Hallo fräulein, nice to see jou again"

"Are you as happy as I am, me joining the team?"

"Ja, Ich bin very happy and excited to see vhat jou have in jou, battle-wise, not organ-wise" Medic started to blush but turned around, walking towards his lab "Vell, I haff a lot of vork, zo tschüss und gute nacht."

"Wait, what?" you said confused, walking up to him.

Medic stopped and turned around facing you "Goodbye and goodnight" he said, giving you smile that could melt you. He turned back and continued walking.

"Ok, goodnight, see you tomorrow" you said kind of sadly. You walked back to the living room and saw the time. "Shit, Uncle Solly, we should really be getting back"

"Affirmative, let's go. Goodbye everyone we'll see you tomorrow" said Soldier

"Yeah, bye guys, see you guys tomorrow"

"Boie (bye), (y/n)" Sniper said

"Bye Leetle girl'

"Bye darlin"

"Au revoir, mademoiselle"

"See ya sweet cheeks" Soldier gave Scout a death glare, making Scout shift uncomfortably in his seat.

You and Soldier made it back in time, a minute before they checked the rooms for "roll call". You went to bed and tried to get so sleep but all you could do was think of Medic.


Done in 903 words

(A/N)- sorry it took me almost a week to put out a new chapter, I will hopefully have another chapter out this week. I'm gonna try and do like a 2 chapters a week, AT LEAST 1 a week(if I can), otherwise at I'll put an (A/N) saying I won't be able to.

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