Medic's Assistant

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You were lying on your bed, bored out of your mind when you remembered that after battles you were going to go help Medic in lab. You hopped off your bed and made your way to the medi-bay when you heard a crash and thud. You ran as fast as you could to go see what happened and were met with hilarious sight, you found Medic surrounded by his doves and a broken jar of suckers.

"Medic, are you ok?" you asked trying to hold back your laughter.

"J-ja, I'm ok liebling (darling)"

"Well here let me help you up" you giggled and walked over towards him and put your hand out to help but his doves all decided to do the same to you and knock you over on top of him.

"AHHH!" You yelped and landed right on his chest, your legs in between his, you hands rested on his chest. Your eye locked with his, your faces inched closer and closer until your lips were around an inch apart. You closed your eye hoping for the best but...


You open your eye, your lips were just grazing his. "I-I'm s-so s-sorry M-Medic" You jumped off of Medic and helped him up so he could help Heavy. "I-It's alright Liebling" he said "I-I'll clean up the g-glass, don't worry" . Medic and left you in the bay by yourself (or so you thought).

"DAMMIT! I WAS SOOOO CLOSE! And I highly doubt that something like that will EVER happen again" you thought

You heard Spy decloak in the corner of the room.

"How much of that did you see?"

"Enough for me to know 'ou have feeling for each other"

"I don't think Medic has feeling for me"

"Of course he does!"

"How do you know? Prove it"

"1. He has been protecting you throughout all of zhe battles. 2. Did 'ou not see how he reacted when Scout kept pushing you to drink. and 3. Jou might have not been able to see it but as jour lips inched closer, he was as red tomatoe and looked devastated when jour kiss did not happen."

"Still tha-"

"Believe vhen I say it Mademoiselle, he has feelings towards jou and jou have feelings towards him"

"Ok let's say he does have feeling towards me, I still have a major problem"

"And vhat is zhat?"


"I see"

"If he finds out I have feeling towards Medic and that he might-"


"-'Might' have feelings towards me, he's gonna do everything he can to stop us because he thinks no one is good enough for me. He's just like my dad, when I introduced one of my guy friends to them, they scared him off, I don't know how, but I never saw him again"

"Zhis might be true but have you see Medic, he is a very strong, intimidating man vith limitless ways to kill someone and make it look like an accident"

"That's not making this any better"


"It's ok"

"Ok and since I see you already have problems, I promise I von't tell anyone"

"Thank you Spy, your the best" You hugged Spy.

"I know zhat, tell me somezhing I don't know" he chuckled, you giggled and playfully punched his arm

"Now, Spy?"


"I need you to get out so I can get started cleaning up the broken glass"

"Oui, I'll see jou at dinner"

"See you then"

You grabbed the broom and gloves from the supply closet and began cleaning up the glass, hunched over you begin to pick up the big pieces. You didn't notice that Medic had come back in.

~~Medic's POV~~

"Damn you Heavy, I was so close to making (Y/N), mine but nein you had to call mich because you couldn't find the ficken bologna for you sandvich"

I made my way back to the medi-bay, furious. I open the door as peacefully as I could, so I would scare (Y/N), but I was greeted by something beautiful. (Y/N) was cleaning up the glass with her ass in the air, I have no idea how I haven't notice how nice it was. It was a sight.

"Mein Gott" I accidently said while staring, that startled her making her jump. She turned towards me and I walked to my desk, knowing that my face was as red as a tomato, I kept from looking at her.

"Medic, you scared me, I didn't hear you come in"

"S-sorry fräulein, I didn't mean to"

"It's ok" She walked towards me and grabbed my hand. I looked back and she had a worried expression on her beautiful face



"Are you ok?" she turned me towards her, blushing.

"J-ja liebling, I'm ok but I believe ve vere in zhe middle of somezhing vhen ve vere rudely interrupted" something came over me, I bent down and pecked her on the lips. I looked away not knowing what to do.

~~Your POV~~

He kissed me! I think Spy was right and I should probably thank and apologize but I have to do something first.

Blushing I tapped his shoulder.

"Y-yes?" he turned towards me.


"I'm sorry, I don't know vhat came over me-" I grabbed him by the tie and pulled him down to my height and kissed him, after a second, I felt him kiss back. He was kissing me softly and lovingly, I never wanted it to end then something else happened. I heard Soldier yelling and walking towards the medi-bay.


I broke the kiss just before Soldier walked in and acted as if I was throwing the glass away, Medic turned towards the wall to fix his tie.

"Oh, (Y/N) I found you, good. What are you doing in Medic's lab?"

"Well Uncle Solly, I told him that I would help him today but when I got here, his doves 'attacked' him while he was carrying a jar of suckers, making it break so I'm helping him clean it up"

"Ok, just be careful broken glass can be sharp" he said sarcastically

"No. REALLY?" I said pretending to be shocked

"Yeah, really. See you maggots later" he said chuckling and closed the door.

"Bye Uncle Solly"

"Auf wiedersehen Soldier"

After you knew Soldier was gone, you looked at Medic, blushing. You walked towards him and he took you in his embrace. Your hands resting on his chest and his arms wrapped around you, you looked up at him wanting to kiss him again you went on your tippy-toes to try and reach the tall German's lips. Instead, you found yourself being lifted by him for another kiss. Closing your eyes, just grazing each others lips, you felt him close the gap between you. It was soft and filled with love just like the last one. You opened your eyes in the kiss because you heard Spy decloaking behind you. He headed towards the door while giving you a thumbs up. He left and you retuned your focus to the handsome German. He broke the kiss so you two could breathe the air your lungs so desperately needed. Breathing hard you rested your head on his shoulder listening to his heartbeat, that lulled you to sleep. Just as you were falling asleep, you whisper "I love you Medic"

"Ich liebe dich auch (Y/N)"


done in 1229 words

A/N- Instead of trying to write 2 times a week and filling you guys with false hope, I'm gonna just put a chapter once a week, but the story is almost over unfortunately. Thank you for all the support.

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