"Sei Mein?"

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(h/l)- Hair length

(h/c)- Hair color

(h/s)- Hair style

(e/c)- Eye color


You woke up in your bed, remembering the events of the night before, you smile to yourself. You got up or at least tried to, to go to the bathroom, but something was holding your waist, you look to your waist and see an arm. Mentally freaking out, you turn to see who the arm belonged to and gave out a sigh of relief to see who it was. It was Medic, he looked to peaceful and adorable when he slept. You once again tried to get up to use the bathroom but in his sleep Medic pulled you closer. Your head resting on his chest, you lied there listening to his breathing and thinking of a plan to get up. You tried to slip out of his grip by sliding down but that didn't work, he just tightened his grip. Feeling yourself about to pop you did the only other thing you could think of: try to wake him up.

You tried: gently shaking him, squishing his face so he looked like a fish(a very handsome, German fish), poking him, attempting to tickle him, lifting his eyelid slightly but to no avail. In his arms, you began to think of something else but nothing. Instead you decided to plant small kiss all over his face: on his nose, his forehead, his cheeks, and finally his lips. The moment your lips touched his, his eyes shot open. Looking down at you he said "Guten morgen (y/n), how did jou sleep?"

"Good morning Medic, I'm sooo glad your awake because I REALLY have to go."

"Go vhere?"

"To the bathroom" he looked at you and noticed he had is arms somewhat tight around you, blushing he released you "Sorry liebling" he said as you got up and sprinted to the door.

"It's ok, I'll be right back" you made a mad dash to the bathroom, finally after being able to relieve, you walked back to your room. Opening the door, you saw Medic still in bed, with his eyes closed. You made your way in and lied back down, his arms immediately wrapped around you.

"Jou know..." he said with his eyes still closed "Ve have had our first, second, und I guess third kiss but I still haffen't asked jou out on a date, or to be mine." He slowly open his eyes and looked down at you. "Since it is ceasefire, Would jou like to go out on a date vith me?" he said with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course I would, I mean how could I say no to that face?" You squished his face again, turning him in to a handsome, German fish, and pecked his lips.

"Wunderbar, vhat time vorks for jou?"

"I'm not doing anything today, I might go train later, but that's about it. Unless Solly asked me to do something"

"How about I pick jou up around 4 and ve go on a picnic in zhe park?"

"That sounds amazing"

"Ok, vell unfortunately I haff vork to get done."

"Do you need help?"

"I vill just be upgrading mein Medi-gun and I asked Engi to help me, but thank jou for offering"

"No problem"

What you didn't know was Medic, in the time he was "upgrading his Medi-gun" he was actually going to plan a very special picnic to ask you out, as his girlfriend. He want it to be memorable, he wanted it to stick out from the other guys you had been with, if you had been with other guys.

"Ok, I vill pick jou up at 4, until then liebe" He kissed you, got up, and left.

Sighing you rolled over to where he was laying, his scent was still there. You stayed there taking in his scent and remember the night before.

Ich Liebe Dich- Tf2 Medic X Reader FluffWhere stories live. Discover now