The Wedding (the real one)

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I'm sorry for messing with you guys on April fools day so here you go, the actual wedding.

I luv you guys.

Also Idk if you guys think his first name is Ludwig or something else (I think his last name is Ludwig and that his first name might be Joseph, but you do you, you call him what you'd like to) So I put (M/N) -Medic Name and (M/L/N)- Medic's last name.


Everything was beautiful; the venue, the flowers, the cake, and especially, the bride. You were in a beautiful white dress with a veil, holding a bouquet of light pink roses.

You walked down the aisle, everyone looking at you in awe, especially Medic. To him, you looked like an angel, an angel he was about to marry. Your da walked you down the aisle, holding back tears. Seeing his little girl grow up and get married was very hard for him, along with your mom and uncle Solly.

Medic was waiting for you at the alter in a tux that looked magnificent on him. You reached the alter and your dad passed your to him. He held your hands and looked into your eyes with love as he said his vows. You said your vows and returned your attention to the justice of the peace.

"Do you, (M/N) (M/L/N), take (F/N) (L/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"Ich do"

"Do you, (F/N) (L/N), take (M/N) (M/L/N) to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

He pulled you towards him and kissed you lovingly. You knew, this would not be the last time he kissed you like this.

~Time skip to after~

You were sitting next to Medic as everyone, from Scout to Spy, toasted your marriage. Everyone except for Demo, who was passed out in a corner, hugging a bottle of whiskey.

Soon after everyone toasted, Medic took you to the dance floor, for your first dance as newlyweds. He held you close, you following his steps to the waltz.

"Jou look stunning, taube" he whispered sweetly into your ear.

"And you look absolutely handsome" you whispered back

He kissed your forehead as the song ended.

"Ich liebe dich, (Y/N)"

"I love you too, (M/N)"


389 words

I sorry it took sooo long to write and that its so short.

I hope you guys like the book cuz I'm ending it here. Thank you soo much for all the support, 1.36k views, and 71 votes. I'll update from time to time.

Once again, Thank you.

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