The BLUs

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sorry I just had to


"Mission begins in 60 seconds"

You were sitting in spawn with Medic, his arm wrapped protectively around your waist and your head resting on his shoulder. Scout looked at you and pretended to throw up.

"Ew look at da love birds over there, Soldier ya ok wit did?" Scout asked.

"Maggot, I'd rather see them together than you and her" Soldier answered

"Why what's wrong wit me?" Scout asked hurt.

"I can answer that" Spy butted in "face it Scout, you are a boy who only has fried chicken tramps"

"ok and?"

"Clearly (y/n) is NOT one of your tramps"

"Dat's true"

"Damn right" you said "I'm only interested in sophisticated MEN, like Medic"

"Danke liebling" Medic grinned.

"It's true" you blushed

"Mission begins in 10 seconds"

"Shall ve?" Medic got up and offered his arm

"Yeah lets go kick some BLU ass!"


You and the 9 mercenaries ran out of spawn to capture the intel in 2fort. You and Scout were racing to get it but Scout was just a bit faster. He picked up the intel passing you on the way back "Now dat's what I'm talking about"

"Ooh wow your so fast I should call you Sonic" (SANIC) you said grabbing the case from his back and taking off to the RED base.

"Hey come back wit dat, I am da Scout here"

"Well come get it"

"Ok girlie I'm gonna get it" You were just about to go into the RED base when something pulled you off the side, making the briefcase fall off your back, luckly Scout was near by and picked it up. "Way to go pally"

You could see what pulled you but it pulled you where you couldn't be seen, suddenly you hear a whoosh and smoke appeared. It was the BLU Spy. He quickly grabbed your wrists and pulled them above your head and pinned you to the wall with his body.

"Oh mon amour, it's a pleasure to see 'ou again" he whispered in your ear

"Spy let me go" you said calmly

"And vhy vould I do zhat?"

"Because if you don't, I'll make sure your death is slow and painful" Spy chucked at your answer.

"But if I keep 'ou like zhis, 'ou can't do anyzhing"

"I can do one thing"

"And vhat is that?"

"MED-" he kissed you to keep you quiet. Screaming in the 'kiss', he attempted to put his tongue in your mouth, but you bit it and he pulled away.

"Vhy 'ou little-"


"If 'ou keep quiet I might spare 'ou"

"MED-" he covered your mouth with his hand but it was too late Medic was on his way.

"A naughty girl like 'ou must me taught a lesson, then maybe 'ou'll listen" he began biting and licking your neck to find your sweet spot which he found quickly. You tried as hard as you could not to moan but it didn't work.

"'ou seem to be enjoying zhis mon amour" you shook your head no.

"'ou say no but 'our moans say ozherwise" you tried to get away, still moaning in his gloved hand but something caught your eye, something shiny and it looked like Medic's bonesaw. Medic soon came into full view, putting his finger to his lips, he snuck up behind Spy, who was preoccupied with your neck.

"Vould 'ou like to go somevhere else?" you nodded


"Home vith me" Medic said with his bonesaw up and ready to strike, Spy turned around only to be torn into by the bonesaw. He released you, falling on the ground, dying. You jumped into Medic's loving arms, your legs wrapped around his waist (no, no lemon), your arms around his neck, and your head on his shoulder, looking behind him. His hands made a seat for you, trying not to touch your butt, but it didn't work.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you Medic"

"No vone vill ever touch you like zhat again"

"No one? Really?"

"No vone but me"

"Ok, much better" Your hands went to his face pulling him in for a kiss, you closed your eyes. It was soft and loving but passionate, suddenly you heard the same whoosh. You open your eyes to see BLU Spy, he frowned, showing you his 'Dead Ringer' and mouthed 'This isn't over mon amour', to which you flipped him off, knowing Medic would protect you. BLU Spy walked away still frowning and disappeared. You and Medic parted from your kiss, your head rested on his shoulder.

"Ich liebe dich (y/n) und no vone will ever harm jou as long as I live"

"I love you too Medic, Thank you for everything you've done for me, now can we go home?"

"Ja liebling, let's go home, you can get down if you want now"

"I don't to" Medic chuckled

"Ok, Ich will carry jou"

"Thank you"

He walked back to the base with you in his arms, the rhythmic way he walk made you fall asleep. He soon got to your bedroom.

"Alvight liebe, time to go to bed" sleeping, you turned to face him and he saw you were sleeping.

"oh liebe, jou are so cute while jou sleep" he opened your bedroom door "and even more beautiful when avake". He tried to lay you on your bed but you clung on to him for dear life. "Vell I don't mind sleeping in here liebling but I don't like sleeping in dirty clothes" he whispered in your ear. Sleepily you answered "ok, I'm gonna change too, but your coming back, right?" "Of course" "Ok". He left and shut the door. Half asleep, you took off your battle worn clothes and put on your pjs and went back to bed. Closing your eyes and drifting to sleep, you feel his strong pair of arms wrap around you.


997 words

(A/N)- I bet you guys thought it would be over in this chapter, I GOT MORE IDEAS, there will be at least 2 more chapters.

Ich Liebe Dich- Tf2 Medic X Reader FluffWhere stories live. Discover now