Your first battle

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You woke up bright and early to move into the RED base. Soldier, Medic, and Heavy helped you get everything you had and lucky for you it was ceasefire, so you wouldn't have to fight on your first day there. Soldier decided to make everyone sit in the living room and introduce themselves. It felt a bit awkward because Soldier kinda force everyone except for Medic and Spy to come.

"As you maggots may or may not know, this is my niece (y/n). She is the newest member of our team. Now maggots, introduce yourselves" Soldier said in a somewhat kind voice.

"Ello' Shelia, Oi'm Sniper."

"I'm Engineer but you can call me Engi, darlin"

"I am Heavy Weapons guy but Leetle girl call me Heavy"

"I'm Scout but you can call me Da Greatest"

"Hudda, Hudda"

"He is zhe Pyro" Spy said. "and I am Spy"

"I'm.... De-" the drunken Scot passed out while introducing himself.

"As you know fräulein, I am zhe Medic"

"...Demoooo" Demo woke up introducing himself.

"Well, I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you all and I look forward to working with you guys" you said with a big smile on your face.

"I have things to do so I can't show you around the base." Soldier said to you "Who would like to show my niece around?"

"I wi-" Scout tried to stand up but quickly got pushed back down by Medic.

"I vould be delighted to show Fräulein (y/n) around zhe base" Medic stood up and walked towards you.

"Ok" Soldier said as he left.

"shall ve?" Medic held out his arm for you to hook yours around it. You blushed as you did. "O-ok" you said shyly.

~Time Skip~

Medic had showed you everything in the base and by the time you guys were done, it was dinner time.

"Dinners ready" Engi shouted.

Medic brought you to the dinning room and you sat in between him and Soldier. You ate in silence while the others talked. After dinner, you said good night to everyone and went to your room to try and get some sleep because tomorrow was your first real battle.

~Time skip to the next morning~


You woke up to soldier yelling and banging on everyone's door. You got up and realized you didn't get your uniform yet so you just put on black leggings, a red shirt, and your running shoes and went to go see if anyone knew where you could find your uniform.

"Uncle Solly, do you know where I can get my uniform?"

"I think you get it from Medic"

"Ok thanks Solly, see you at breakfast"

You made your way to the medi-bay and knocked on the steel, double doors.

"Who iz it?" Medic didn't seem too pleased about having a visitor so early in the morning.

"It's me, (y/n)"

"Komme" ('coming' in German) His voice change from a groggy, angry voice to a happy, excited voice. He opened the door with a big smile on his face. His hair was a mess, you could tell he just got up, and he was still in his pj's. A black t-shirt and red pajama pants with his symbol on them.

"Guten morgen fräulein, how can I help jou?"

"Good morning Medic, Soldier told me to come to you because I didn't get my uniform yet" you said blushing

"Ja, I haff the uniforms. Come, I vill show you them" He motioned you to come in the room. "Follow me, I believe zhey are in zhe closet". He open the closet door and pulled out a hanger with a bag over it with your name on it. "Here jou go" he said as he handed it to you.

You opened it to find a uniform almost like scouts but with shorts that when to your thigh and a red almost like tank top with an assassin symbol on it.

"Vhat class are jou?" Medic asked from behind.

"I guess I'm just an assassin"

"Das ist gut" (that's good)

"Yeah but I guess now I can't be your assistant" you said in a sad tone

"Vell, after battles jou could help me around zhe lab" Medic said with a smile, you smiled back.

"Ok, yeah I'll help you around the lab after battles"

You left the medi-bay blushing and ran to your room to change into your new uniform. You left your room and went to the dinning room where everyone was eating breakfast. You were greeted with good mornings from everyone.

"Good morning guys"

"I'd hurry up and eat because you don't have too much time before the battle starts" Scout said.

You nodded your head and started to eat while everyone left to go get ready, except Medic. Medic sat there, keeping you company while you ate.

"Medic, you can go get ready if you need to, I'm fine eating alone"

"Nonsense, Ich finds it rude to leave somevone as schön (beautiful) as you to eat alone"

"Ok..." You gave him a confused look "thanks for keeping me company though"

"It iz no problem" He smile the same way he did 2 days ago, that smile that make you melt.

You finished your breakfast and headed to respawn, you sat down on a bench, twiddling your thumbs, a bit nervous for your first real battle. Medic sat down next to you.

"Liebe, are jou ok? you seem a bit anxious"

"Yeah, I'm a bit nervous. It's my first real battle"

Medic wrapped his arms around you "Jou'll do great liebe, I've seen jou train and I must say jou are the best assassin Ich has ever seen" You hugged back, your head on his toned chest, blushing and worried that Solly might do something to ruin this.

"You really mean it"

"J-ja, vhy vouldn't I-"

"MISSION BEGINS IN 30 SECONDS" The announcement made you jump and hug Medic harder. Medic chuckled at your actions.

"Don't vorry, it vas just the administrator"

"I know that, it just scared me, I wasn't expecting it"


Medic let you go, got up, and helped you up.

"Don't vorry Liebe, I vill make sure nothing bad happens to jou" And nothing bad happened to you, your team won. Everyone when back to the base to celebrate by drinking.

"You want a beer, sweet cheeks?" Scout drunkenly asked

"No thanks, I can't"

"W-well why not?" he asked

"Because I'm only 18"

"No one cares how old you are, here take one" Scout said shoving a beer in your chest.

"I said-"

Medic butted in "Scout, did jou hear vhat Fräulein (y/n) said? I clearly heard her say no, she does not vant to drink, zo you respect her decision" He said furious.

"What if I don't?"

"Zhen I ask jou this Scout, do jou know vhat really hurts?" Medic got closer to Scout "A size 12 combat boot up jour arse, so I suggest that jou leave and join zhe others" Medic said with a grin on his face, Scout ran away in fear.

Medic turned to you and hugged you, you hugged back "Fräulein are jou alvright?" "I am now"


Done in 1196 words (1169, there you go)

(A/N)- I'm SOOOOOO sorry it took me so long to right this, I had a bad case of writers block. Thanks for being patient and another chapter will hopefully be coming out later this week.

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