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Dat pic of Medic tho. Like DAMN. Also don't play the song yet.

This chapter starts a few months after the last one.


"MAGGOTS! the administrator has called us all to a meeting. She has asked both, REDs and BLUs to go without their weapons."

"Does it say what the meeting for uncle Solly?" you ask holding Medic's hand.

"No, it just says both teams are required to be there and absolutely no weapons"

"wait both teams?" You start to get worried thinking about BLU Spy.

"Yes both teams" Soldier continues to talk.

"Medic, what about BLU Spy?"

"Don't vorry mein taube, zhat schweinehund von't come near jou" he said in confidence as he wrapped his arm around you, protectively . "Not now, not ever" he kissed your forehead, you wrapped your arms around him.

~timeskip to meeting~

You got to the main building with the rest of your team. The administrator had each class sit next to each other, in order (A/N- incase your don't know the class order its: 1-Scout, 2- Solly, 3- Pyro, 4- Demo, 5- Heavy, 6-Engi, 7- Medic, 8-Sniper, 9- Spy), BLU Scout next to RED Scout and BLU Medic next to RED Medic. Luckily, you were the only 'assassin' so you got to sit next to medic. Unluckily, you were fairly close to BLU Spy, you could just feel him stare at you as soon as you sat down.

"You are probably wondering why I have called all of you here" the administrator to a puff of her cigarette.

"yeah" both RED and BLU said in unison.

"Well, Mr. Saxton Hale has refused to sell us anymore weapons and ammo until he gets back from his, so called 'vacation'". By 'vacation' she meant he was jumping out of planes and punching rare animals in the face. "Until he returns, we have decided to let you all have a vacation also"

"Really?!" you excitedly asked.

"Yes Ms. (L/N), really"


"That's it, leave my office... now" everyone ran out of the building and back to their bases as fast as they could.

~Back at the RED base~

"Vhere vould jou like to go on vacation fräulein?" Medic asked as he sat on the bed, watching you pack.

"To be honest, I have no idea" you continued packing "Where do you wanna go?"

"Vould jou like to go to Iceland?"

"Iceland? It's freezing over there"

"Ja, but haff jou ever seen zhe northern lights"

"No, never"

"Vould jou like to?"

"Yea, alright let's go to Iceland"

You finish packing all the warm close you had, headed to the airport, and boarded the plane. The whole plane ride, you and Medic held hands and talked about what you were going to do once you got there. Eventually, you two fell asleep, you had your head on Medic's shoulder and Medic laid his head atop of yours.

~Time skip to Iceland~

You and Medic made it to the hotel around 2 in the morning and ended up going to sleep. You fell asleep in Medic's arms, your head in the crook of his neck and his chin slightly rested on your head. When you woke, it was noon.

Ich Liebe Dich- Tf2 Medic X Reader FluffWhere stories live. Discover now