Chapter 8

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I met a guy and he's so sweet and shit and he's been taking up all my time, but it's good because I don't mind. Anyways, he started baseball season so I've got more time.

Little refresher, Felicity gave birth to Odette via C-Section because she has hemorrhaged on the couch, now that she's out of the hospital and such, Shane was having trouble with letting her do things because he's scared of dying.

Oh, and Tori is back, on drugs.


Nobody will calm down.

Don't get me wrong, I understand.

I mean...I died.

My family is relatively calm, everyone is more worried about the fact that my baby sister is on drugs.

Except for Shane.

I rather politely suggested that the family go stay somewhere else, so they're at Macy and Cole's, but it's morning, and I'm in bed still, and Shane isn't in here, and I can hear their voices downstairs.

I reach over to feel his spot, because it's three days after New Years Day and he hasn't let me leave the house once since I got out of the hospital.

He's afraid.

Anyways, it's very unlike him to leave the bed, which is hard since Owen wakes up at seven and is hungry, and Odette is only a month and one week old and she wakes up frequently. 

When I feel the bed and it's warm, I know I'm right. He just got out of bed to answer the door.

I peer at the clock, rubbing my eyes.


I need to get up. My breasts feel full and everyone is here anyways.

I really want to talk to Shane.

He needs to give me some space, I love him to death but I haven't been alone, he won't go to the store unless someone else aside from the kids is with me, but I can't go with him.

Yet the doctor cleared me for normal activity.

I take the opportunity and get in the shower. I wash and shave quickly, and lotion, and then I put on a bra and a simple white long sleeve shirt, and a black thong and light blue skinny jeans. I blow dry my hair and brush my teeth, and when I go into the bedroom, Shane isn't in here, but Owen is, sitting on my side of the bed.

"Good Morning Momma!"

"Good morning, feeling better?"

His stomach had been hurting last night.

"Yes." He says.

"Great, let's go downstairs."

"Daddy told me to come up here and to not let you downstairs because Grammy is crying."

My Mom.

I hesitate.

Shane knows I'm not one for listening.

"Oh, okay."

I turn the TV on for him, and then I grab the baby monitor and leave Owen upstairs, wandering downstairs.

The whole family is here, and my Mom is beside herself. Shane is standing in the living room in his sweatpants, his hands in his hair.

"What do I tell Felicity?"

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