Chapter 16

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This is the last chapter and then I'm making a sequel 


I had to start pumping.

Every single time the pressure starts, I get depressed.

I'm meeting with the lawyer constantly. It's been two weeks and six days, and I call the police station every single day.

They expect me now.

I show up there.

I've done everything.

Rebecca leaves, staying the night at her house occasionally.

I think we're all starting to lose hope.

I hardly sleep anymore. I keep the kids favorite foods stocked.

Their rooms are left untouched. All I do is go wipe things down and keep them in a healthy shape, but their toys and everything are left alone.

I miss them.

I miss going to the grocery store and feeling Owen's hand tugging at mine as he jumps in the parking lot. I miss having to turn around an pick up Odette's shoes as she kicks them off.

I miss bath time. I miss bed time.

My breasts feel full, my heart feels heavy, and I have a constant lump in my throat.

Rebecca left about an hour ago with her kids to go get some things from her house. The doorbell rings.

Depressed, I walk over to the door.

I rip it open.

The woman that took my children from me stands before me.

I stare at her for a second.

Silently, I step aside to let her into my house.

She has papers with her, and a grim look on her face.


Ilet her into my house, shutting the door.

She follows me to the living room.

Everyone recognizes her.

A moment later, Rebecca walks in with her kids.

She sees the woman too, and sends all the kids off to play in the playroom.

The living room is silent.

I gesture for her to take a seat, sitting next to Shane.

She settles down in the empty chair, places the stack of papers and two pens on the table.

"I think it's time we had a talk." She says.

"How are they?" I ask softly.

She studies my face for a long time.

"Owen is sad, but he's...he's going to be fine. Odette has been having trouble eating."

"Her body doesn't react well to formula." Shane says quietly.

"I will make sure to remember that." She says quietly.

So she's not here for good news if she has to remember that.

She takes a deep breath.

"The judge and your lawyer have been going back and forth quite a lot. If I'm being honest, the judge was leaning towards keeping your kids." She says. She sits back. "Until, Felicity," she takes a deep breath. "Your parents showed up. They told us that you tried to help your sister, that she wouldn't listen, that you got shot at to protect her, and when she still wouldn't change, you shut them out to protect your family. How she was fine, and just the other week you kicked them out again because your mother was acting inappropriately. Again, you said it was to protect your kids. Your parents said your sister took off after that. Everyone here left statements saying you guys were nowhere near the house when your sister showed up. We checked your security cameras, and even your neighbor, that you had a problem with a few weeks ago said that you guys weren't home when your sisters car showed up. So, everything started to change. We were still hesitant." She smiles. "Until we sat Owen down, and we asked him to tell us all about his life. He told us all about you guys, how your took in a three legged dog because nobody else wanted it, how you own a shelter and a sub shop. He told us how he talked to guys in the military at the mall, and how you got them cookies because Owen wanted to, and after how his Aunts were mean to his Mommy, and so Mommy said that they had to leave because she didn't want me and my sissy, who wasn't even alive yet, to grow up around that. Owen expressed, rather insistently, that his Mommy and Daddy always have his best interest at heart. Those were his exact words. And after, the judge asked him if he thinks he's going to go back to his parents, and he said he knows he is, because of the power of the rings."

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