chapter 2

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"Why does Zayn talk to you like your a stranger?" Harry asks. My heart strops for a moment. 

"He's been upset with me recently." I reply and look down.

"Why?" He asks. I don't reply.

"Well something happened to me, I became depressed and when I wouldn't tell him why he seemed to hate me all of a sudden." I say looking down. 

"Are you ok like now?" Harry asks and I look up and nodd.

"Good, so anyway Rose what made you come on tour with us?" Harry asks finishing his drink.

"Honestly? My mum made me I really couldn't be bothered." I say and we both laugh. 

"Hey well it's a lot of fun trust me." He says. 

For the rest of the meal we talk about normal things like friends and one direction if that really is normal.  

When I get back to the hotel it is almost ten at night.

"Where were you Rose?" Zayn asks as I walk in he marches over to me and I try to get past.

"IHOP" I reply and duck under his arm.

"On a date?" He says following behind.

"It was hardly a date really." I sigh. 

"Well you can't date any of the boys." He says towerring over me.

"I know you've told me" I walk into the bathroom.  

Eventually I walk out and Zayn is fast asleep. I turn off the light and sleep on the other bed. 


I wake up and look around hoping to find Zayn. No he's not here. I have a shower and get changed. I make my way to IHOP again and order just a hot chocolate. On my way out I notice I have texts off Zayn wondering where I am.

I'm on my way don't worry I was just getting food.-Rose  

I reply.

"You lost?" A man asks. He is tall with dark hair and hazel eyes. 

"Yeah I think so. I thought I knew the way back to you know the Hilton Hotel?" I say looking around.

"Oh yeah it's this way" He replies. I'm sure we're not going to same way as last night but Harry really guided the way.

"Is this the right way?" I look confused. We are in a small alleyway and I think I'm further away than I should be.

"Yeah it's just down here." He says stopping me.

"No I'm heading back." I turn around but he grabs my wrist.

"Get off!" I scream and tugg trying to pull away. He covers my mouth as I scream but he keeps switching from taking my clothes off to holding my mouth. My eyes dart around the alleyway to find someone but no one is around. 

He brings his hand off my mouth and is unbuckling his belt. I am trapped in his grasp with the other arm still. 

"Hey get off of her!" I hear someone shout and I am dropped to the floor. I land straight on my stomach and I see him run away.

"It's ok now don't worry." A womans voice soothes me and she lifts me up. 

"Can you call my brother he's Zayn on my phone." I rummage around in my bag and hand her my phone.

"He's on his way" She says and helps me up. I assume she is talking about Zayn. He arrives within a matter of minutes and rushes over to me.

"Ro are you ok?" He hugs me and I nodd in his touch. I feel my eyes well up and he thanks the woman as we walk off.

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