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Zayn's POV  

"I still don't understand what you want me to find out, she's never told anyone that and I doubt she's going to." Ella tells me in the tour bus the next day.

"I need to know if it's something I did or not, please just try Ella, I tried to get Harry to find out but he's decided that if he finds out he's going to wait for her to tell me in her own time." I look around to see if Rose is still asleep in the bunks. I think she still is.

"Zayn there's only three days left of this tour and I don't think that she'll tell me, I've not seen her for weeks she might've lost some trust in me." Ella says and looks down. 

"Ella please, for me" I lift her head up using my finger on her chin. Her eyes look watery and she's barely pouting but I've known Ella my whole life and I know she's about to cry. She must think Rose has lost all trust in her and given it to Harry but Ella and Rose are best friends and she does trust her. 

"Ella Rose loves you, don't think she doesn't. Ever." I lean in to hug her but our faces are still opposite.

"What?" Both our faces snap to Rose.  

"Rose It's not what it looks like!" I shout as Rose runs back down to the the other end of the bus "I was hugging Ella, she's upset Rose please just understand!" I shout.

"No Zayn, you do something nice for me and then do something to ruin the small line of trust we formed." She cries and turns around. 

"Rose he was hugging me, I'm upset you just came in at the wrong moment!" Ella comes up behind me.

"No, I don't wanna hear it Ella! You--I was excited when you first came here but you ruined it, you ruined it for me and Harry and everyone! There are only four people I actually trust on this bus right now and you two are not one of them." Rose screams and runs to the back of the bus, where all the other boys are.

"Rose!" Ella calls, she's actually crying now. Ella reaches out for her but I stop her walking past me. 

"Give her some time." I say.

"I can't now, please just I want to explain, she doesn't believe me and she always has. I can't just have her not think I don't think anything about her not now!" Ella bawls.

"Don't worry, you can just not now she needs space." I push her to my chest and twist her hair around my fingers.

Rose's POV

I storm into the other part of the bus where Liam Harry Louis and Niall are all laughing and I sigh.

"Are you alright?" Liam looks at me concerned "We heard some shouting.."

"No! He's gone and done it again!" my back leans on the door and I slide down it.

"What's he done baby?" Harry walks over and squats next to me.

"He's ruined it." 


Hi! Well I hope you are enjoying my story! I really want to reccomed a book by TomlinsOnboard !!! It's called prisoner and it's fabulous. She's really nice and the book is amazing! Pleaaaassseeee read it. I loved it! Thankyou...

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