chapter 8

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"Rose we're just gonna see some fans, and then we can get going" Liam tells me before walking into another room backstage. I hear a few fans scream and roll my eyes. I guess I've gotten used to seeing the boys I have alomst forget they are famous. 

After about 20 minutes Harry walks into his changing room, where I am.

"Hey" He says about to kiss me, but I swerve my head so his lips land on my cheek. 

"Harry?" I start and he nodds, "Why did Zayn say good job yesterday, before you both left on the bus?" I move my hands to my hips. 

"He just wants to make sure you're alright and not lonely on the tour I guess, and I'm here now and I love you Rose. Any way he said good job cos I just got myself a girl who he knows will love me lots and lots." We both giggle softly. My hands move to his shoulders and down to his chest. I push our lips together and he holds my waist. I've not until now kissed Harry properly.

"Styles" I hear Zayn's voice behind us and I pull away smiling.  

"Sorry bro" Harry winks at me. I think? It might've been to Zayn.

"It's okay anything to make my little Rosie happy" Zayn wraps his arms aound me and swings me back and forth. I giggle and pull away.

"Good!" I chime and kiss Harry on the lips. Harry seems awkward, I think it's because Zayn is watching but I'm not sure.

On the way back to the hotel I sit inbetween Niall and Liam. My head drops onto Liam's shoulder and he pulls his arm around me. I listen to the boys conversation about some sports game I  didn't know about. 

"Rose I've managed to get Zayn to let us share a room tonight." Harry winks at me. 

"Harry I'm not ready for that" I look away. 

"Hey, all we're gonna do is get a movie and some snacks." He laughs and take my hands.

"Oh" I feel so stupid, I should've known he didn't mean what I thought. 

"Don't feel silly" Harry whispers. It's like he can mind read!


Harry and I argue over the movie we watch but I win with the notebook. I lie on my front with my hands holding up my head, Harry's head is pressed on the comforter at the back arms crossed with his legs straight down the bed. It's not until I turn around to get some popcorn that I see Harry isn't even watching the film. 

"What you staring at?" I question. 

"You." Harry blantely answers.  

"Oh" I say and crawl over to him, I place a kiss on his fore head, then nose and lips. He happily returns the favour and pulls me into him. I rest my head on his chest and we fall asleep watching the film.

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