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[ A u t h o r ' s N o t e ]

Hey! So I wanted to warn you that I do not live in America or England or any other English speaking countries. And my story's about high schoolers so if I get anything wrong (about school work or something like that) or if you don't understand what I meant please let me know and I will explain it to you. Also this story will contain a colourful language so if that disturbs you, I'm sorry but you have been warned. And lastly, I may not be fluent in English but I am fluent in SARCASM so please understand that most of the time I'm not being offensive but sarcastic. Also English is not my first language, it's not my second one either so please, please, forgive me if a make an occasional mistake. I don't mind if you correct me from time to time, I'll even appreciate it but don't be the grammar police. I will try my best though, I promise! (If I've been corrected once, twice or five times, you do not need to comment on it again! I will correct it when I can!)

Okay so I just wanted to clear that up before I got started!

[ T h a n k s ]

That said I would like to gave a MASSIVE THANK YOU to anyone and everyone who's about to read this story. Out of a thousand other stories, you chose to read mine so THANK YOU and every single one of you mean so much to me!🖤🖤🖤

Enjoy! And please let me know what you think!

[ 🖤 🖤 🖤 ]

I'm just saying, I don't know where this story's headed, I'm as clueless as you are!😜 I have already written an epilogue and the last line but how we're going to get there, I've got no clue! I might be happy, it might be sad, it might be bittersweet. It can twenty chapters long or it can be seventy.I don't know... My biggest goal is to express some of my ideas and raise awareness on some aspects and most of all, it is to entertain y'all! (If towards the end, I don't like the ending, I might just change it!)

⚠️[ W A R N I N G ] ⚠️

Just so you know, I'm a heartless bitch!😈👹

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