Chapter Five

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I brought my gaze to the floor and saw Frank shake his head and give off a small smirk. My eyes slowly traveled to Gerard who was leaning against the kitchen counter, smirking at me. He stopped smirking and turned away quickly disappearing out of the room.

"I ship it." Frank muttered. I walked over to him and slapped his arm, furrowing my eyebrows. I grabbed a napkin and a pen and bit the cap off the pen to scribe something down.

I'm not really in the mood for any relationships, I mean lets be honest here. Someone like him? And someone like me?

"You always told me to be optimistic. Aren't you now a hypocrite?" He chuckled. I shook my head.

Just being honest.

"Listen, Dad used to always say that no matter who you are the person you were meant to be with will come along. Don't be so down and procrastinate this. I know Gerard, and I have forever. Just try and get close to him, maybe for your own good, yeah?" Frank said turning to me and shaking my shoulders, I hanging loosely in his grasp.

At least you knew dad.

"I know why you're being so distant since you heard our conversation. You're scared because you think he's lying but," he looked around then continued in a hushed voice, "I brought him here for a reason, He needs help just like you do and I was hoping you two could fix each other."

What's wrong with him?

"He used to do drugs, like a lot, but now he just gets drunk all the fucking time. The rest of the band and I are all scared for him. Maybe you could be his therapy and he could be yours?" Frank said in still a whisper.

I'll help him, but I'm not falling in love with him. You've seen what happens in movies and books and sometimes in real life. People lie Frank, That's the world that we live in.

"I never said you had too. But just let him help you too." Frank pleaded. He obviously cared deeply for his friends safety and my own.

This was your plan all along.

"Yes, okay maybe it's just best for both of you?" He said.

I was silent


By now the napkin was completely scribbled on and tearing on certain letters. Heavy footsteps reappeared and Gerard waltzed back into the kitchen. Frank handed him three coffee mugs and returned to flipping what looked like pancakes but didn't smell like them. Frank was never the cooking type, but hey, it's food.

"Coffee M'lady." Gerard said in a horrible posh accent while handing me a cup of coffee. I smirked and nodded my thanks. He chuckled lightly and smiled warmly at me. I returned the smile and sat down at the kitchen table. He walked over and sat across from me. I pulled my knees up to my chest and looked at him. He didn't seem or look like the drug abusing alcoholic type. He seemed pretty sweet and caring, and he definitely did not look sickly or gross.

He looked back at me from over his coffee cup rim and raised an eyebrow, which disappeared underneath his jet black fringe. I sipped at my coffee and returned a raised eyebrow. He squinted at me and I did the same then crossed my eyes, which he did also.

"Alright kids enough with the eye sex now have some pancakes." Frank said sitting down beside me and taking a breakfast cake off the top of the pile and shoving it in his face. I picked at mine while the boys practically had an eating contest.

"So how old are you?" Gerard asked after they demolished two stacks of pancakes. I held up my fingers in the shape of a one and a nine.

"Well, I don't know how to make a two with my fingers but, I'm twenty." Attractive, in my age range and completely sane. Thank God. I giggled a bit and nodded.

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