Chapter Seven

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When I woke up I realized right away that I had never given Gerard an answer. But maybe that was better. I mean he was only going to be here for six or seven more weeks, that's not long enough for anything. Plus when he goes back with Frank he'll have plenty of other better girls.

I rolled over to my alarm clock and threw myself out of my bed. It was eight thirty. I never sleep in. It's weird, and different that my moms not here either. There was no noise coming from downstairs so I grabbed my iPod and my sketchbook and sat back down on my bed. I scrolled through my albums until I found my Sick Puppies ones and put them on shuffle. I stuck my headphones in and began to draw

"Another piece of the puzzle that doesn't fit,

You throw your arms up your so damn sick of it."

I drew that same boy and girl from my drawing from a couple days before, but this time at a picnic table under a tree strung with lights. The girl sat up on her knees, leaning against the table and the boy was looking at her with great wonder and smiling lovingly. On the opposite end of the table a shadow stood. That demon. He was more like sulking. I added a gun in the pocket of the boy. Almost like the boy was protecting the girl from this demonic creature and whenever the boy was around the demon couldn't do anything to hurt her.

"What are you hoping for

What are you searching for

Love, love, love."

I smiled at the drawing but frowned as I realized the couple looked exactly like Gerard and I last night. I never noticed it before but that's exactly how he was looking at me.

I went to close my sketchbook but the conversation between Gerard and I caught my attention. I read my words over quietly. Maybe my life would be normal if I was different or someone else. Deep inside me I knew I didn't want to be here any longer. I really thought I should leave, never come back. Maybe someday I'll make it happen.

I finally shut my sketchbook and put it in its normal spot then laid back down and stared at the ceiling. A black figure like shadow darted across the wall.

So we meet again, bastard.

Suddenly something startled it and it disappeared. There was light foot steps and the bathroom door opened then closed. I waited in silence until the door reopened and closed once more. But then there were no foot steps. Just silence. I pulled out my headphones and continued to listen. Nothing. Who ever it was, they were waiting outside my door or hesitating in the hallway. Then there was a light taping on the door. I sat up and looked at it. The door slowly opened and a familiar face appeared in the dark.

"Oh sorry, did I wake you up?" Gerard asked now standing in the door way. I shook my head.

"I just wanted to check on you." He said sheepishly. I laughed lightly.

"Where's Frank?" I whispered.

"Still asleep." He mocked me then smiled. I rolled my eyes. We stared at each other awkwardly for a few seconds.

"I'm hungry, you?" he asked. I nodded. "Lets go make food."

I laughed and jumped up following him.

"I can't cook for shit." He said as he looked through our cabinets. I shrugged. Frank walked into the kitchen groggily.

"Morning guys." He yawned. I nodded my good morning then disappeared back into my room. I grabbed some clean clothes and walked into the bathroom. I plugged my IPod into the wall docking station and put on some music. I turned on the hot water and stood in the shower letting the water wash me off. I stayed motionless lost in thought. 

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