Chapter Eighteen

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I woke up to someone bursting through my bedroom door. Gerard groaned as Frank continuously shouted his name in the door way. We'd never here the end of this. I laughed as my brother wandered over to the edge of the bed, stood on the bed, and began to jump in between us and at the end of the bed. I out stretched my leg in an attempt to knock Frank over which did end up working and he toppled to the ground.

"Hey! Leave 'em alone. He can be late as always anyway." Mikey appeared at the door. Gerard rolled over and flipped them both off with his eyes still closed then rolled back over and hugged me tightly. Then he suddenly shot up.

"Late for what?" He asked. Frank picked himself off of the ground and stood near Mikey.

"Practice, I don't know why we bother trying to wake you up anymore." Mikey responded.

"Shit, no I have a new song Idea. I gotta get in on time so I can use up all the time." He got up and left.

"Nice pajamas." I heard Frank comment on Gerard's bottoms.

"Shut It." He laughed.

I stayed curled up in a ball under the comfy blankets as everyone bustled around and got ready to go to work.

Gerard popped his head into the door way. "Okay, we're off. Bye, I love you." He said before leaving.

"Love you too." I mumbled into the blankets. He chuckled and I heard the front door shut as the three of them left. I definitely wasn't about ready to get up at seven o clock in the morning. I thought about how I used to have a schedule and It would make me upset if I or anyone else tampered with it. And here I am, tampering with my state of mind. I was changing. I should have realized that the first time I talked to Gerard. That I was changing and that was the thing I never thought of doing or saw myself doing and here I am acting like a normal teenager. Sleeping in, sassing, eating whipped cream out of its spray can.

I laid and bed and thought about my past life until it was around nine and I got up and wandered into the kitchen. I shifted through the cabinets and fridge trying to find something to eat, and when I did it took me more time to try and find something to put it on. I had no idea where any plates or utensils were so I didn't eat for another half hour. I then sat silently with only the clinking of my fork on the china plate.

I also noticed I didn't sit like I used to anymore either. It was quite scary I felt like a completely different person. It was for the best, at least that's what I willed myself to believe.

About a month later, knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. I froze, did one of them forget something? There were no windows or peep holes to look through to see who was at the door. I got off the chair and approached the door slowly and quietly. I jumped as The person knocked again. I approached the door and opened the door. A guy that looked a but older than me was at the door.

"Hi?" I asked opening the door slightly. The guy smiled at me.

"Hi, um, Did I get the wrong house? I was expecting one of the guys to answer." He chuckled lightly.

"Depends. Who are you looking for?" I asked opening the door a little more.

"I'm sorry, I should introduce myself. I know you now, You're Gerard's girlfriend, right?"

"Yeah." He's not answering my question.

'"My names Ryan. I'm friends with Gerard and Frank. I wanted to see if They wanted to hang out tonight, are they home?" He asked with a killer smile.

Why wouldn't he just text them? If he is their friend.

"No, sorry." I said quietly.

"Oh that's fine, any idea when he's going to be home?" He asked and I responded by shaking my head.

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