Pippin x OC!

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Requested by: @Oliveo5Ever

The stench of raw alcohol and bad decisions filled every inch of my nose. I sickly loved it. The oak wood creaked under my feet as I passed over the floor, empty tankards of mead cramping my hands in a claw-like fashion.

"Lavender, love, over here!" A usual customer yelled. I smile widely and let the soft pitter-patter of my feet carry me around. I was so busy, being tossed back and forth by customers, I didn't realise my favourite drinking group stumbled in. The Green Dragon was a popular watering hole, always full of interesting wanders from all around Middle Earth, but mainly grumpy locals. But there was always one group that brought light into my day.

"Lavender, another round over here?"



Pippin's POV

I could seriously careless about the conversation between Frodo and Samwise right now, my favourite bartender couldn't even spare a glance in my---our direction.

"You've been lookin' at her all night," Merry so lovingly put with an accusing smirk on his face. "Why don't you get us some mead?" That caught Frodo and Sam's attention as they joined the brotherly jeers.

"I don't know what your talking about." I forced my eyes away from her, with anguish, and looked at my friends, not believing a word I said.

"Come on, ya shut-in!" Before I knew it, I was on the ground only to have a small pair of feet set in front of me.

"Had to much to drink already?" A velvety voice sounded, lacing gracefully through my ears. A soft hand gripped my own and pulled me to my own, thick-skinned feet.

"Actually, I haven't had a single drop."

"That's a surprise." Lavender joked, her sweet laugh making my heart flutter like a million butterflies.

"God, you're beautiful!" I thought, but the words tumbled out before I knew it.

"What?" She asked slightly, head tilting to the side.

"I mean yeah, you're beautiful. Like my mum! I mean, it's not like I'll kiss my mother, or not like I wouldn't want to kiss you, I mean you're beautiful. Like a mountain! Large and nature's best creation! Shit---not large like....LARGE large. It's not like you're like a scary skeleton, but you're not fat. You're a perfect size. Ugh, just forget it." I rambled and rambled, watching her emotions changed as I couldn't decide between a compliment or an insult. She just kinda kept an amused look on her face.

"Let's get you some mead in ya, Took."

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