How They Comfort You

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Thank you, @Eunice199701 for requesting this! It's very much appreciated!!! Enjoy!!


Whenever you had a difficult day training or just felt bad about yourself, Legolas would sweep in and make sure everything you would ever need was already in your hands. And trust me, he would never loosen the grip on your shoulders until you were smiling ear to ear.


You always respected the King of Gondor's duties. But you never wanted to bother him, no matter what your mental state was in. And when he found out you weren't feeling too good about yourself, he'd drop everything. He'd run down every corridor, nearly jumping over anyone in the way. He'd toss you over his shoulder and sprinted to your shared chamber. Aragon would bury you under mountains of blankets, cuddle you, and whisper Elvish into your ears until you had a satisfied smile on your face as you slept.


Considering this stubborn dwarf never left your side, being sad around him was nearly impossible. But there were those dark days when there didn't seem to be a way to cheer you up, Gimli had a sixth sense like that and would find you in half a second. He'd get you a pint of mead and would let you braid his beard as he told you stories his father told him. There was no way you couldn't feel less happy after that.


He'd read to you, no matter what he had to get done, he'd set that all aside. Elrond would set your head in his lap and read old tales, fables, letters, whatever was on his desk just to keep your mind off the thoughts racing through your head. It always, ALWAYS worked.


Thranduil wasn't very good with emotion. Well, only really anger, but that changed since he met you. He felt happiness, love. But one thing that tore him to pieces, your sadness. When word got around from handmaiden to handmaiden about your sadness, he'd kick everyone out of the throne room and sit there for hours. Wondering if he did something wrong, if he wasn't being kind enough, just tearing himself down. You always ended up with your hand is his as you told him everything he was doing right. Once he was done feeling sad, he'd go on and one about all of the things he loved about you.


Thorin has always been kind of standoffish towards emotion, kind of like awkward pats on the shoulder or a lot of "it'll be okay, love.". But recently he's been kinder, sticking closer and closer to your side. Still disappearing for days on end, but always had your interest in mind. So when the days rolled around when nothing went to hell, he would sing to you until you drifted to sleep. The deep voice was like a pillow, sending your ears into heaven as he looked down lovingly at you.


This blond little baby would never let you be even remotely close to sad. If anything happened, he'd just let you mess with the beads in his beard. It was perfect for the both of you.

] Kili [

Kili would make it his one goal in life to fulfil your happiness to the most you could handle. During meetings, when Thorin would be particularly harsh, he'd catch your eyes across the hall and make sure to make you laugh by making silly faces. Well, until Fili elbowed him in the side, telling him to pay attention or until Thorin threw something at him.

_ Bilbo _

Bilbo Baggins would get so flustered and frustrated that he didn't know how to contain his worry-wart ways. He'd get you tea and blankets, slices of bread and at least three baskets of apples, just to check and see if any of those things would make you happier. But in the end, it wasn't the objects that made you feel comforted, it was the fact that your beloved would run around giving whatever you heart desired just to confirm your happiness.

Pt 2 of how they comfort you coming soon! (I've just run out of ideas for the characters but I'll be back soon!)

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