How They Comfort You Pt.2

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-Bilbo- (I don't know if I did one of these for him or not, so here's another one if so....)
One word. TEA. And lots of it. I mean, it was comforting and really nice, but he'd he get so worried he wouldn't be able to boil the tea and steel the tea fast enough. It'd end up clumpy with tea leaves and nearly ice cold water, but it's the thought that counts...?

He'd take you for long trips on the water. The peaceful splashing of the water and light conversation with the love of your life made all of your worries wash away with the tide.

Merry wasn't the most wary person, only really wanted mead and Pippin. He'd try his best to take care of you, but he'd mainly turn into an awkward mess. You have no clue how many times you'd hear this signature phrase:" I don't know what to want some mead?"
He did try his best....

You seriously couldn't imagine a better place than in your Pippin's arms. A long night in bed was warm under all the blankets. And being in his arms made your thoughts just drift to comments about your love. You looked into his eyes and saw the future. Your hands felt Pippin's fluffy hair and seriously, it was the only thing you were able to keep on your mind. And man, was it great.

He'd take you under his favourite tree, sit you down in his lap, even for a hobbit you were considerably shorter than him, and read to you. His soft voice reaching your hobbit ears as your anguish melted away with the turning of the aging parchment.

@ Sam @
He would make it his life's main goal to make sure you never felt badly ever again. And if we know anything about Samwise Gamgee, he never gives up. Being around flowers all day, he'd stuff his favourites in his pockets, planning to give them to you after his job was done. But after it all, they'd all be crumpled and falling apart. That would get ol' Sammy down but it made your heart soar.

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