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Heyo! Im doimg good but to add drama. I dis something that some people go through. Have fun reading! Enjoy!

   Liz P.O.V

We landed in Miami and headed over to my house. Kestin wanted to see Storm, my dog, and Daniel just wanted to talk. The plane ride here only took 4 hours which was good.

We get inside my house and my dog starts barking. I bend down to pet Storm and pick her up. Storm is husky i found on the street 5 months ago as a baby. I decided that she was just a pup, to take her in. I had my mom watch her while i was gone.

Kestin played with Storm then left to their house. Daniel stayed with me.

"So girl. We havn't really hung out in Cali so what happened. I  need drama. And your life is full of it." Daniel said as we sit on the couch. He was petting Storm as we talked, and i drank water.

"To be honest, nothing juicy. Went on date's with Jake, lost my virginity. How'bout you?" I said to Daniel.

"Well lots of things happened to me. So before i start, get comfortable." Dan said making me sit up, and towards him. He laughed.

"Ok start."

"Well the 3 night there, i heard gossip. It was Alissa and Neels. What im about to say is going to set your fangirl off, though."

"Say it!"

"Their dating. I heard them say 'love you boo' and 'kiss me'. It was truly cute." He stopped talking as I held my heart. I looked at him, waiting for him to continue his story.

"Oh and i have hooked up this guy named Christian like 1 week ago."

"Omg really?"

"Yeah and after that we started seeing each other. I really like this guy, Beth."

Only Dan is aloud to call me Beth.

"Then when you get back to Cali, go out with him."

"But i don't think i will go back with you. Because I've been keeping something from you."


"Im going to England to the University of Oxford in 2 months."

I got up and hugged my bae.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" I said in a laughing manner.

"Didn't know what you will think?"

"Hey im happy for you. And if you ever meet Dan and Phil call me to move down there."

We both laughed. Im a dangirl and whatever phil calls his audience.

After more talking he left. I was quiet tired and went to bed.

Before i laid down, i got a text.

J- I miss you! 😘😞

It was from Jake.

L- I miss you too but im going to bed.

J- Ok talk to you soon.

When i was ready to fall alseep, i did.

    2 weeks later

Me and the squad were going to a café. I thought it would make me feel better. Since yesterday, i threw up in the morning and my back hurt.

I sat down with my friends.

Since i got back, Leo got a promotion on his job.

Gooby finally got noticed by Max.

And Kuri has a crush!

She never had crush's so this was new.

   2 days later

I was still throwing up in the morning. But now im getting weird cravings. Like right now, i want chocolate with shrimp. Really weird.

I called Kestin to help me out. I need answers!

She came to my house with a paper bag. I gave her a questioning look.

"We will get to this later, but tell me your symptoms."

"Well, i throw up in the morning. Every morning. My back is starting to hurt. I weight myself and my normal weight went up triple. And i have weird cravings."

She threw me a box.

It was a pregnancy box.

"Really? I can't be pregnant."

"Only one way to find out."

I went to the bathroom, took 2 test and waited. My timer went of and me and Kestin looked at each other. I get up and look at the test.

I silently cried. Kestin came over and looked at the test then at me.

"Ohh honey."

They both had two lines.

I was pregnant.

I had fun making this. Hoped you had fun reading this. Bye!

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