Secret Reveled

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I want to shout out to FelicitySecret101 for giving me this idea! This chapter is dedicated to you! Hope you guys like! Enjoy!

  Liz P.O.V

I woke up to cheers of joy. I turned my head to find Jake jumping and squealing. I sometimes think he is such a girl.

"Jake, your gonna wake the kids up. Shh!" I shushed him. I don't wanna deal with crying babies right now.

Jake stops and jumps on me.

"I have big news! Gather around." I sit up and look at him.

"I have been writing a movie with Alissa, were both in it. And, when it's out, were going on tour." Jake looks at me with happy eyes.

I don't understand.......

"But aren't you and Alissa not talking? She hates you, why would she go on tour with you?" I ask with concern in my voice.

"We have decided to finish the movie. We are going on tour in 1 week. Im so excited!" With that last scream, kids are crying. I look at him.

"Since you woke them up, put them back to sleep." I order him, keeping a straight face.

"Aye aye, madam." And Jake marches over to Adeline and Neveah.

What am I going to do today? I can go to the mall with Tessa and Erika. I can hang with Tristan and listen to panic. I can facetime my baes. Maybe the last one.


I get the camera ready and press call. On the 4th ring, 4 faces pop up. My baes!

"We miss you! Come back to us!" Leo shouts and I laugh.

"My ears, piece of crust." Kestin mumbles in annoyance.

"How is everything?" Kuri asks.

"Everything is good. Babies are fine, Jake and Alissa are going on tour for their movie. It's fine, I guess." I answer.

"What does "i guess" mean?" Gooby asks. I shrugged.

"Wanna see the girls?" I ask them, getting ready to pick tgem both up. They nod eagerly.

I lift them up and make them wave.

"They are so grown!" Leo says surprised.

"And so cute! I wanna squeeze them to death." Kuri says with joy.

"Please don't actually do that." I beg her.

They laugh and we continue talking. After 5 hours, we hung up.

It was so good hearing and seeing them again! Wonder how mom is doing............

Like if the gods read my mind, I get a phone call. Maybe thats her!

"Hello?" I ask over the phone.

"Hi, is this Elizabeth Maria Garcia? This is doctor Ali from (enter a hospital name cause I have none)." The person answers. Wht is a hospital calling me?

"This is she. Is everything ok?" I start getting worried.

"Im so sorry to say, but. Your mother was in a car accident. She died on the way to the hospital. Im so sorry for your lose." She says.

I dropped the phone. She died? No. She can't be dead.

I hear voices but their faint voices. I feel people touching me, but I feel nothing. I fall to the floor and I start crying.

It feels like the walls are closing in on me. I can't breath! Shes not dead! I had so much to tell her! She was going to be at my wedding! Shes not dead! It's not real!

"Liz! Everything is gonna be ok! Tessa, help me bring her up." The faint voice says. I feel people lifting me up and i hug the closest person near me.

"Shes gone! My mom is dead!" I cry into Tess's  shirt. She pats my back, sympathy pats.

We sit in the living room.

"It's gonna be ok. Everything is gonna be fine. Relax." I start controlling my breathing. And soon, im relaxed.

"Are you ok?" Tessa asks me.

I shake my head.

"I want you to go sleep. I'll watch Neveah and Adeline. We will talk tomorrow." She says and I listen.

I go to sleep and dreamed of my mom.

I'll miss her so much!

But shes gone..........and it hurts.

Sorry this had to happen! I need drama not joy. Did that sound rude? Idk. Hoped you liked it! Bye!

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