When you think theres a monster in your room but it's just a chair

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Hey guys! The video up top is way too funny. Well to me it is. So i had to make a chapter about it. Enjoy!

  Liz P.O.V

Today, i was going to hang out with Alissa. Jake is asleep because, of *coughs* last night. Let's say, he had an enjoyable night. I went all dirty on him.

I texted her to meet up at taco bell because, hi im Liz nice to meet you. So im heading there now.

(Time skip to Taco Bell brought to you by knives. See what i did there?)

When i got there, she was already eating. Same tho.

I sat next to her.

"Hey girl! Where the babies at tho?" Alissa hugs me.

"Tristan." I say simply. I trust him enough to watch my children.

Hahaha, i crack myself up!

"Oh ok. Well hows it going?" She asks me giving me some of her food.

Now that is what i call a good friend.

(Please read! Next part is for mature readers! If you cringe at everything, don't read! You have been advised!)

"I gave somebody a blowjob and a handjob. Let's just say, they needed it." I tell Alissa. She looks shocked.

"You really gave Jake a? Wow! Im impressed. And grossed out." Alissa says putting down her food.

"He got in a bath of icyhot then i said i will rub stuff that helps 2 degree burns. But down there. And it's not like i haven't seen his penis before. How do you think we had kids?" I say stating the facts.

Alissa nods to that.

"How big is it?" She asks after an awkward silence.

"How long is what? His dick?" She nods.

" Long enough to make a girl happy. But thats all you need to know." I smirked.

"Wow. Never thought i will be having this conversation about a mans penis, who was my friend, that is your fiancé." She says with a 'im-going-to-hell' face.

"Let's stop...." Yeah. We needed to.

(It is over! Im so sorry you had to read that! And im sorry i wrote it! Never again!)

"Hey? Wanna do a parody of this vine i saw?" Alissa asks me taking out her phone and picking up a knife.

I nod.

She gets up and place's a knife on a chair. We then start singing.

"Who gives a knife to a chair?!"

We make a happy surprised face at the end.

God i love Danny Gonzalez.

Hey guys! I know, im never writing that first part ever again! I was trying not to cringe while writing that! But i hoped you liked it! I got that song stuck in my head. Bye!

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