Chapter 29

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Hey guys! Hope you like today chapter! Enjoy!

Liz P.O.V

"Jake, im going out with the babies today. I will see you later!" We kiss and I start putting the twins in their stroller. I put all the things I need for them under it.

"Bye guys! Don't do anything stupid!" And with that, I leave.

I was thinking about visiting Logan, since I only met him 1 time. And i was 3 months pregnant. My kids are already 2 months.

They grow up sooo fast!

He did tell me where he lives once. Which is good. I wonder what hes up to.

Phase 1: Get into lobby! Check!

Phase 2: Go to his apartment! Check!

Phase 3: Wait for him to get the door! Not check!

After looking at the babies very bordley, the door opens. A little guy with a big beard opens.

"Im here to see Logan Paul!" I say acting serious.

He looks at the babies. Then raises an eye brow at me.

"The babysitter wasn't available today. Leave me alone." I walk in with Neveah and Adeline.

"Yo! What are you doing here!" Logan sees me and hugs me.

"I wanted to introduce you to your nieces." I look down at them.

Logan does too and starts jumping up and down with excitement.

"What are their names?" He stops jumping and starts playing with Adeline. Neveah is falling asleep.

"The one that is falling to sleep is Neveah. And the one your playing with is Adeline." I point to them.

We then hear a cough from behind us.

"Umm, you gonna introduce me?" Says the little man.

"Ugh fine, Elizabeth this is George, George this is Elizabeth. Jakes fiancé." Ligan doesn't look at us but keeps playing with Adeline.

I have a great feeling he is going to be the best uncle!

"Well, I gotta go bro. Good luck with the whole situation." George leaves.

"What situation?" I say as I put Adeline in Logans arms and hold Neveah in my arms.

We both sit in a love sack.

"If my fans keep coming to my house, im gonna get kicked out." Logan said with sad face.

"That sucks! Well if you do get kicked out, your always welcome to come stay at the team 10 house until you get back on your feet."

Aren't Im nice? I should stop it.

He nods and we then talk. About everything. Life. The twins. His love life. My love life. Youtube. Maverick.

But when the clock hit 7, I had to leave. Or else Jake would freak out.

"Bye bro! See you next time!" And I left. Off to the team 10 house.

Im soo lucky I snuck Jakes keys to the truck. No uber today!

When I walk in the house, something falls. I pull my kids out of the way in perfect timing.

"What is this?" I was angry! My babes almost got hurt.

"U-uh j-j-janga." Chad answers nervously. Then Chad holds one of the Martinez twins because of their toe.

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