The High Alpha {3}

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Sorry but school is tough and times are hard! Jk The economy has nothing to do with me what so ever! Anyways school is hard and I should be doing my homework but I'd rather get my feelings out and annoy my main character by making Elizabeth very whiny! Hmmmmm......... its very hard to pick between the two!! Lol


Maine's POV

His eyes pierced my heart and made my whole body shudder. I blushed as he kneeled down to kiss my cheek. Dakyd took my hand and led me to his table, of course after he asked permission of my alpha. Which I thought to be highly gentlemen like especially since my alpha is like my father. When we reached his table, he introduced me to his mother who was a chatty-Kathy, and ironically her name was Kathy. But I loved her all the same. She had 3  other sons after Dakyd and no daughters which mad her very sad but her boys didn't give her any time to be sad.

Dakyd's little brothers were Damond, 13 and a 1/2, Daniel,8, and Darrick who is 3. They were all front and present and cheerful and welcoming. But me and Kathy were the ones who really hit it off togethor. I believe Dakyd's mom was totally and completely convinced that Dakyd and I were going to be married in a month and have a couple kids in a year. I choked on my fruit when she said the word 'kids'.

"Are you alright, babe?" Dakyd asked, worry coated his voice. I nodded and swallowed my fruit. I was completely off-gaurd when she mentioned kids. I looked up to see Dakyd smiling who had probably been listening the whole time.

"I agree, Mother. I think a wedding in a couple weeks would be even better!" Dakyd suggested. And unfortuantely I had eaten another piece of fruit which I,again, choked on. While I was trying not to die, Dakyd was having a laughing fit and his poor mother couldn't figure out what was going on. Dakyd's dad had been staring at me the whole time. Not feeling as bold and dangerous as I usually feel I decided to let it be. But I was soon distracted by my breakfast which was quickly served to me. My pancakes and waffles and eggs smelled and looked absolutely delishes. And they tasted even better. I looked to my silverware and noticed that my fork was missing, again. I looked up to Dakyd with an acusing look. He smiled and gave me my fork back.

He wrapped his free arm around my shoulder and used his other arm to drink his orange juice. He and his father engaged in a very serious conversation about making some new law about female wolves not having certain things done to themselves. But I was too busy to notice every one watching me savor every bite of my pancakes and strawberry sauce. I opened my eyes to see Dakyd's family laughing. My eyes went wide and my cheeks went as dark as my dress.

"You enjoying you pancakes there, Maine?" Daniel asked. I nodded and blushed even more. Dakyd leaned down and kissed my forehead and repeatedly told me how cute I looked while blushing. That only made me blush even more.

Breakfast went by quickly. Probably because I ordered tons of pancakes and paid no attention to anything else. Dakyd joked that I was pregnant with quadruplets. Me and his mom choked on our food, for different reasons obviously. After breakfast Dakyd requested that he meet my pack, correctly. We decided on meeting in an hour at their hotel room for a little while. Dakyd suggested we go and hang out later and get to know eachother better. But all too soon I was in my pack's hotel room.

"So is Mr. High Alpha all that amazing?" Charlie joked. I laughed and pulled him into a friendly hug.

"You will always be my second man. You can even be my maid of honor." I suggested with great enthusiasm. His face instantly turned to pure horror.

"Your Joking, right?" Charlie asked. I nodded and went over to Dyllen and explained to him what would be happneing in less than an hour. He and Shea were in the bathroom, bathing a little 2 year-old who was covered in syrup. I laughed as soon as I saw what had happened to her hair.

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