Forty-three ➵ S. H

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The next night
June 2nd, 1995
11:03 P.M.
I received a letter yesterday from Cory. Apparently it was addressed to Jasmine, but I wasn't so sure if I should open it or not. I swear, if it was a trick to come back to his place and follow under their consistent rules.
I wasn't sure that I would.
"What's that you have on the nightstand, Shawn?" Jasmine asked, taking notice of the letter that was placed on it.
"I'm not sure. Cory and Topanga came over to drop it off. I didn't read it though." I said with a shrug.
"Oh," she says, getting a hold of it,"probably nothing."
I could tell from the look on her face her eyes were widened. She looked as if she had been struck with astonishment.
"You okay Jasmine?" I asked her.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking that was all."
Her worried expression began to concern me.
"If it's something we need to discuss, you can tell me. You can always tell me anything, Jas." I reassured her, concealing my everlasting promise.
I reached for her hand, twiddling with her fingers. Her mother's ring that overlapped her finger made me daydream a wishful imagine I wanted to embark on.
Getting married.
It seemed early, yes, but I loved Jasmine that much. From the start, I loved her differently compared to anyone else. Not just one different. A special kind of different.
"I know, everything is fine," she assured me, then pecked me on the cheek,"it always will be."
"Now, let's get some sleep. Maybe we could go on another adventure or something."
That suggestion filled through my mind.
"Sounds good to me." I agreed to it. She slipped into the comforters, with me bristled beside her.
Chip scattered himself on top of Jasmine at first, but decided to lay at the edge of the bed.
Jasmine and Chip were the only ones who could fall asleep here. I glanced over at the alarm clock, which read 11:57. I haven't been able to sleep for the past fifty-three minutes.
Suddenly Jasmine began to shuffle in her sleep a little bit. I wasn't apprehensive about it or anything at first, but she suddenly began to whimper.
"Jas," I shook her, trying to wake her up,"wake up."
She didn't wake.
"No, no, no. Don't do this, please." I heard her cry.
I started to shake her more hurriedly, trying to wake her up. It didn't work. Suddenly she sat up, panting and gasping for breath.
"No, no." She began to mumble. Her eyes peered to me, as I sat up beside her.
"Jasmine, are you alright?" I interrogated her. She sat there for a second, then buried herself into my arms. She cried, leaving me comfort her.
"What happened?" I asked her.
As she regained her breath again, she pulled away with me in awe. I thought at first it was about her dad hitting her, but instead it was different than what I expected.
"I had this dream. More like a nightmare it seemed like. And it was of losing you."
She was still teary eyed, so I fought her back up in a hug again. I held onto her for the longest time, reassuring her she wouldn't lose me. Never.
"I love you too much to let you go, Jasmine." I said to her. I ran my fingers through her mangled strands of hair then we pulled away.
"I know. And I love you too." She said. We laid back down, with my arms enticing themselves around her waist. I was scared she would have another nightmare again.
Once we settled in, with a few minutes of me playing with her hair, I planted a goodnight kiss on the side of her cheek.
I dozed off finally, having the sleep we finally deserved.
June 3, 1995
Two more days.
After I woke up the next morning, I came across the letter again. I remembered what had happened last night, with Jasmine's fearful outburst that made me panic a little bit.
I became suspicious.
"Hey Shawn, I'm going to hop in the shower, okay?" She decides. We didn't take one yesterday since we just cuddled in bed all of last night.
"Okay." Maybe this would be the time to check the letter.
I questioned myself if I should. This was my only chance. But it was Jasmine's privacy.
Then again, if I read it now, I could maintain this information and keep it to myself. Until I get the courage to confront her.
So, I opened it up and started to read through it.

Jasmine Grace Clayton,
It is our strong duty to inform you with the best of news. Your audition a while back has been recognized for your amazing performer and we feel as if you should be accepted into Canadelt's Singing School in New York!
You'll be staying and learning your ways of music for a year. Admissions start this summer and you'll head back in September in the year of 1996.
Signed form submission and your date of notice for leaving must be sent by:
June 5th, 1995.
Hope to see you there.

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