Fifty-two ➵ J. C.

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A few days passed and Shawn has been avoiding me lately. I haven't even seen him around, until Mr. Turner's class period. We were assigned to be partners, so that was going to be awkward. Not to qualify the fact it was a romance story as well.
I hoped everything was alright. I'm sure this will all blow over within a few days, that's all. Just your average high school momentums to flounder on as a Junior. To drift my mind, I was spending quality time on my date with Evan after his football game. However, it was different. After this particular game, him and his other fellow teammates rendered themselves into something I didn't wanna get involved with.
"Hey Evan. Try a sip of this." His best friend and also the line back of the team, Spencer, offered him from what it looked like to be a bottle of beer. I cringed at it. My mind transcended into cramped fields of doleful memories. Memories I didn't wanna embark on into new condiments of the act of retaliation. Ones I didn't wanna get back to.
"What? Hell no, my girlfriend is with me man." Evan declined his over, shoving it away. I haven't even told him about my past life about a couple years ago. No one knew, not even Evan. I wasn't intending to anyways. Not everyone needed to know of that.
I could speculate crumples and details on his face. Plastering upon him was an expression that was compressed with peer pressure yet a form of some common sense. Seeing all of his friends trying a whiff of it themselves.
"You're missing out then," pointed out Spencer, who grasped the beer bottle firmly in his hands, then held it up within his team mates,"to our coach!"
"To our coach!" His other friends chimed in after his declaration. It was like some reformation, like someone just enrolled into their group and it was a celebrating momentum- only involving pints of alcoholic beverages.
I spotted Evan leaning into the cooler, and I quickly went for his arm, persuasively trying to pull him near me, back into his settled conscious.
"Evan, please, don't drink." I pleaded him. He just glanced at me, until he peered back from me to the cooler.
Bounding his fate, he finalized the correct decision by coming with me and transferring home. Although in the car, I could tell he was frustrated.
When he took me home, he didn't say anything. He reached over to open the door for me instead of handling it like a gentleman like he should of.
"Are you kidding me? What's your problem?" I demanded him, being the first to speak.
"Problem? I don't have any problems." He argued, glaring at me. He tried to defend himself and pretend that whatever just occurred didn't happen.
"Oh bull crap."
"What? I didn't choose the alcohol. I listened to you. I drove you home. Isn't that what you wanted?"
"Oh for the love of god, it's not that Evan. It's just how little you know."
"Little do I know what?"
I realized what I said, I just ranted. At least I didn't vent into complete, concrete detail. It wasn't like the paving of a new road being leaked into the world. It still remained secret.
"Nothing." I rushed out of the car and shut the door with an ignorant slam. I headed inside, not caring that Evan was trying to call my name.
When I went inside the house, my aunt became remotely concerned like that. She noticed my upset and downsized face, instantly demanding me all of these questions like the aunt she was.
Like an aunt was supposed to do. Portraying as the second motherly figurine in your life.
"What's wrong Jas?"
"It's just I got into a fight with Evan, that's all." I informed her with minimum content, but she was understanding already.
"Come sit down, looks like you need a bowl of your aunt's famous ice cream."
Every time I was either sad or sick, even having a strep throat, all I could endure on was a cold cup of the creamy substance dipped with condensed chocolate fudge and caramel toppings.
The ice cream was always cookies n cream, and also layered with famous mini candy chocolates from brand stores. Oftentimes, it was coated with m&ms.
As I dipped into the soft served treat with a medium sized spoon, I enjoyed my first bite. I missed my aunt's ice cream so much.
"Alright, tell me what went on." She insisted, leaning over from the table as she watched me eat. After I gulped a serving of the creamy substance down in one, I was able to answer her questions.
"Evan and I were hanging out with his team mates- which are all of his buddies mostly. So, as of that matter, they thought it would be a good idea to add a cooler which was filled with beer bottles. Fortunately, Evan didn't drink it. But he was eyeing it cause of peer pressure. Thing was, what makes me frustrated, is that I feel as if he blames me for not allowing him to drink tonight." I informed her. It was a lot, but I was in a venting mood. She was someone I trusted with my dear heart. She's been through situations and succeeded in all of her attempts at obligating any encouraging advice for me.
"Oh, does he know about... you know. Your past?" My aunt asked me. I shook my head no.
"We've been dating for only about a month, that's the thing." I said, twirling my metal component in with the ice cream: which was now turning goopier every passing minute.
"I see," she understood my perspective respectively,"I would feel the same way, hun. If he thinks it's okay to choose alcohol over you, then it's time to dump his sorry butt."
"Indeed. Well of course Jas, you would deserve way more than what you were receiving. He needs to respect you and contempt at least through other approaches. It's about coming to one another, not just going off and forgetting the other significant role in the relationship." She explained to me, which I thoroughly understood her every line, taking it word for word. It composited sense to me.
"You're right Aunt Lori." I agreed with her after finishing my ice cream. I quickly reflected my frown upside down to form a sly smile. My aunt automatically became happy at the sight of this.
"Good. It's about the spread of equal opportunities, not just about going on dates. Remember that in a relationship, Jasmine. Not a lot of us are seen as obstacles." She reminded me, causing me to just nod in response.
"So, when I see him, should I talk about it?"
"No hun, have him talk to you. He is the one who made a mistake, not you. So wait for him to speak." She insisted.
"Alright. Thanks. I better get some rest though, I'm awfully tired."
I cleaned my mess, setting the bowl into the sink with a clutter. I headed upstairs and got ready for bed, beginning to imagine school in session on Monday. Let's see how this goes.
On the following Monday, just I expected in predictions, Evan confronted me. He apologized sympathetically and asked if he could take me out to eat at a restaurant to make things even better.
"Sure Evan." We kissed, both of us making out. I pulled away, only to cross paths with Cory and Topanga, who were both down.
"What's going on?" I asked them. My eyes leaned down to find a depressed Shawn looped down on the floor, his shoulder slagging in a shrug.
"She dumped me, she dumped me good."
"Jennifer broke up with Shawn, and he's all upset about it." Topanga informed me. He peered up at me, but then his eye contact focused on Jennifer. She was fine with it, her golden streaks of hair swerving from left to right as she chatted with her other friends.
"Oh." That was all I could make out.
"What have they done to my boy..." Cory kneeled down to comfort his best friend, who acted just like a sad puppy whimpering to be adopted by someone.
This was too awkward for me. As Cory was talking miscellaneous and malicious things about Jennifer, she came over as if it was her cue to swoop into the situation single handedly. I walked away, not wanting to see Jennifer or Shawn together.
Eventually, the two retreated back together I supposed, but thing was, they couldn't go on a date tonight. Shawn and I were supposed to be attempting at working on our project together. It was due Friday at the beginning of the class hour.
That meant, I had to skip Evan's football practice, but studies were far more important to me.
Since my aunt had a late night shift to work, that meant I had the house to myself. Not that bad I guess. I waited for Shawn to come, which I even prepped an oven pizza just in case he didn't eat anything. I waited for a total of three hours. What was taking him so long? Was he with Jennifer instead?
I glanced over at the alarm clock on my bedroom nightstand, which read 8:35. Seriously? I can't believe this. He was blowing me off.
I glanced over at Chip, petting him. I could tell his expression was swept with remote concern, as he noticed how angry I was. I allowed him to jump on my bed, and even fed him the last pieces of pizza.
Shawn was supposed to be here as scheduled a couple hours ago.
Just then, a knock on my window signaled to me that Shawn arrived. I reached over to open the window,  in which he came in, his hair soggy from the rain like a wet dog. Alarmed at his difference appearance, Chip barked, but once he sniffed him, he realized it was Shawn.
"Hey, sorry that I'm late." He apologized, stroking Chip's ear.
"You were supposed to be here a couple hours ago." I scolded him, crossing my arms and planting a seat on my bed, turning away from Shawn. He sighed, coming over to sit near me and tried to get me to meet my gaze with his.
"I'm sorry Jasmine, but I broke up with Jennifer. That's what was taking me so long to get here." He informed me.
I glanced over at him, which he was filled with seriousness.
"You're kidding? Didn't you guys just get back together to?"
"Yeah, but I realized it wasn't working out. Cory didn't like her, Topanga didn't even like her, I didn't. She wasn't a part of me. She didn't fulfill the half piece of my heart." He whispered, his voice trailing off after he said heart.
"Oh," I bit my upper lip, feeling guilt for not knowing what was going on,"let's just work on the project."
Shawn nodded and aided with the project like he promised. We didn't speak about anything, until he said something.
"How's your relationship with Evan going?" He asked me so sudden.
I cited a note of him pretending to research in the book for questions. He didn't even have the damn book open.
"It's going well." I stated. I noticed his smile flipped to a grimacing frown, but then he tried to hold off a confidence smile.
"That's great." He stated with a long sigh.
"Are you okay Shawn?" I questioned him, who only nodded.
"Yeah of course, why wouldn't I be?"
"You just seen rather anxious and quivered about something."
"Oh it's nothing. Just the assignment is giving me head cramps. You know what, I uh, I gotta go get some medicine or something for it. Bye Jasmine." He leaves, which resembled the same action as he penetrated from a few nights ago. This was something swift, but I wasn't so sure why he was acting so weird. Whatever it is, I hope it wasn't the fact he was retrieving feelings for me again. Especially when I had a boyfriend. However: already with my luck, and like every reckless story I turned a page on, it wasn't going to end the prettiest.

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