IV : Get Lost Hood

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1965 (Present); TulsaDaisy Parker:

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1965 (Present); Tulsa
Daisy Parker:

                    I walked downstairs and opened the windows of the bar, it was to stuffy in here. I've been in Tulsa for a month, I've gotten into the routine of going to the DX then the Curtis House and back at Buck's to bartend. I'd be able to buy a house in no time, at least I hope I'll be able to. I got a cup of water and set the ibuprofen out, another part of my routine. I picked up the newspaper and sat down on the stool behind the bar. I had talked Buck into bringing in a coffee machine and I was happy to be able to drink a cup in the morning.

I looked over to see Dallas taking the cup of water and two ibuprofen. "No walk of shames this morning?" I asked.

"Nope, just a big hangover." He said and sat down.

"It's Saturday, you wanna go to the Nightly Double? I'm sure Pony and Johnny would come with." Dallas asks me.

"Sure, it's a little early for a movie. We can pick those two up and go out and eat or something." I tell him.

"I'm gonna go shower." Dallas said and put away the glass and ibuprofen.

         Once I was done I threw on my boots, a pair of shorts, and a black t-shirt. I don't really care how I look, this was comfortable and I liked it.

I walked into the bathroom, Dallas took the longest showers, so I brushed my teeth while he yelled at me. "I can't see anything, shut up!" I laughed.

"I don't care, get out!" He yelled from inside the shower.

"You're so demanding, gosh." I say as I spit the toothpaste out and rinse my mouth out.

I sat on the bar and Dallas walked down. "You could've waited for me to get out of the bathroom."

"You could've took a shorter shower or got the stick out of your ass and let me brush my teeth." I say as I hop off the counter.

Dallas rolled his eyes and we get into the truck.

"How are you gonna fit four people in this truck?" Dallas asks.

"Fucking magic." I say and I swear I heard a laugh come out of Dallas.

We arrive at the Curtis house and Darry is pacing on the porch.

"Daisy! Thank god you're here, I need to ask you for a favor and you might say no-" Darry rambled.

"What is it Darry?" I ask.

"Can I borrow your truck? Soda and Steve took mine and I can't walk to work." Darry asks me.

"Okay, but if there's a single scratch on my vehicle I'm gonna have to kill you." I say as I hop out of the car.

"Thank you! You're a life saver!" Darry hugs me before taking my truck.

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