Chapter 1 Maddy

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Olli had taken me to a café still baffled be the fact that I was here. I told him everything about mom and how she had lied to me all these years. I told him that when we were in hawii I just had and elegiac reaction with something.
He was just so amazed that I was there with him. Then and there. I had my first Starbucks and burger with him and we talked all day, talking about how much we missed each others company.
He explained that when his mom saw all of the scars and bruises on him and kira she thought enough was enough and they moved far far away when he was passed out from all the alcohol and they went to NY. He said that they had started a new. They had only had taken the essentials with them as they had to make a quick escape.
Soon after that he took me to his mum's flat. We too a cab so I would be quicker. The ride around New York was amazing, the skyscrapers, the live music, the advertising billboards.
The flat looked great seeing as they had only been here for two weeks. Kira came out immediately when she heard the door open and was also suprised to see me. Olli's mom then walked in and I shook her hand. She offers me a drink and then we started talking about Olli and the hawii trip like we had already known each other.
I felt so safe. Like I finally fitted in. Like home. Not home with a lieing mother and a fake disese, but a real home where people think of me as me. Not as some kid with a problem. I finally found somewhere that was my place.
Later that evening we went out to dinner where I found a beautiful thing called pasta. It was in a lasagne that I ordered. It's just so exiting finding all these new places, flavours, smells and sounds. The only sounds that I heard was the wur of the a/c, mom and Carla.
Oh how I miss her. I texted her when I got to the café with Olli but I expect she'll still be asleep. As we were going back into Olli's mom's flat, Olli caught my arm and said ''hold on there beautiful, don't you what to come to  my apartment?'' I was so exited about seeing Olli I had completely forgotten to book a hotel so I agreed. He was so nice and gentle. We were in the same building but in the room above. 16c is one of the most important places in the world to me.
We got inside a I noticed that there was only one bed. I don't matter though, I will be just the same as hawii. We talked all night. Somehow we found even more things to think about. He was the one person in the world that truly understands me. The only one I can see myself with for the rest of my life. He apartment felt like me apartment. The subject then went to children and we both said we wanted two kids at the same time. Olli then whispered into my ear ''and I want those two children with you'' and kissed my cheek. He then went on to ferther kiss me. The one thing me mouth knew was the taste of Olli. My hands remember his touch. We went to sleep soon after that but before that he whispered again '' I love you maddy, don't ever forget that. No matter what, remember, your mine forever.''

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