Chapter 14

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Today we met with a wedding planner. We both want outside wedding. Olli wants to keep it classic and I want a long white dress, so it all works well together. We have planned everything, the outfits, the venue, the cake. We made sure the date was exactly a month before the baby's due date. Everything was ready for July 22nd. I had invited mom and Carla to the wedding. Olli took a while to think about inviting his dad but he knew it would only cause problems. We layed on the couch together, Olli's hand on my baby bump. We started discussing names. ' Daniel?' Olli said. 'How about Katy Ruth?' I replyed. We haven't found out the gender so it will be a suprise. 'That's cute' Olli said wrapping his arm around my should. 'I like the name, mahala-grace' I said looking deep into Olli's eyes. It's funny how my gaze always interlocks with his. 'Did you feel that?!' Olli exclaimed. 'I think the baby likes that name' I replyed. That was the first time Olli had felt the baby kick, the look of joy on his face when it happend was memorable.

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