Chapter 17

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I was wheeled into the dilivery ward and I clutched Olli's suit as the nurses took off my wedding dress. 'I'm so sorry' I cried into his shoulder as another contraction ended. 'For what? For bringing my baby into this world, for being my wife, for being the the strongest person I know? Tell me babe, what are you sorry for?' Olli said reassuringly. Carla soon walked in from putting my dress in the car when we were being shown the room I would be delivering in. As another contraction ended I was told I was seven centimetres dilated. Me and Olli went for a small walk around our room to get me ready to start pushing. Sure enough it worked. Before I knew it I was wheeled into a smaller white room where I was going to have my baby.

Author's note:
Here's the long awaited 17th chapter of this book. Thank you for all the lovely comments people have been putting and to the people that have been backing me up when there have been some less nice comments, thank you so so much. We hit 9K today! Thank you for helping me!
Sadly the next chapter with be the last chapter of this book. Please tell me if you want me to write a sequel or any extra chapters because writing this book has been really fun so remember to vote and comment.
Ly all❤

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