Chapter 2 Olli

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I was walking down the road from the bus stop when Anna came up behind me. Anna was my science partner and we had agreed to work on our project at my apartment. We were working out a scientific calculation when Anna started acting really weird. She was talking about how much we had in common. I was playing along with it for a while and then the worst thing happend. She sat on top of me and kissed me. I heard the door open. I saw the beautiful dark hair of my girlfriend. I heard the door slam shut. I shoved Anna onto the floor not caring about anything but Maddy. She was storming down the hall. I kept on calling after her but she bolted down the stairs. Not knowing what to do, I stumbled all the way back to my apartment, tears running down my cheeks, my eyes stinging. Anna had got her self off the floor and was sitting on the chair where all the problems started. 'WHAT WERE YOU THINKING' I shouted at her, more tears streaming down my face. 'Who was that person who came in' Anna mumbled nit making eye contact with me. 'THAT WAS MY ROOMMATE, GIRLFRIEND, AND ONE TRUE LOVE' I screamed at her before punching the wall. 'I'm gonna go' She said matter of factly, picking up her bag and going. I had to make it up to Maddy. I'm not sure how I would live with our her hugs, kisses. Her love.

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