Chapter 18

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''Baby, I know it's goog to be hard but you're fully dilated and I need you to push'' Olli said softly into my ear. I felt so weak and helpless I didn't think I could have this baby but with Olli I could do anything. ''I need you to push now Maddy'' Olli said, a more stern and concerned tone to his voice. With one hand I clutched the side of the bed and with the I squeezed Olli's hand. ''I can see the head!'' I heard Olli exclaim exitedly. I pushed more until I felt a small bit if release as Olli told me the head was out. I moved a small bit but found it too painful. I ordered Olli to get me some ice chips during this small break that I had. Once I had put the ice chips down another contraction hit me. Next to come was the hardest bit, delivering the shoulders. I pushed as hard as I could for 5 minutes until I felt no pain. ''It's a girl!'' Olli stated amazed, tears in his eyes. But there was no cry. He went to cut the cord but there was no cry. She was taken out of the room and there was still no cry. My worst fears were coming true. ''What's happening? W-why isn't she c-crying? W-why don't I h-have her?'' I said as tears fell down my face. Olli left the room to go and see our baby. She was a month early, could that have affected her? Could she be...? No! I scolded myself mentally. She was perfectly fine. Exept she wasn't. Olli came back in, his eyes red and swollen. ''Maddy...'' he said choking back tears. He was cut off by the nurse coming in with a small bundle of cloth. ''We did everything we could'' she said sadly, placing my daughter into my arms. My heart sank. My fears were reality. She was gone. I unwrapped her a small bit, to fully see her face. She had her father's eyes and nose and my mouth. She was beautiful, just like her name. Olli touched her nose gingerly, like it wasn't real. But then the best thing happened...

We both kissed each other then went to kiss her forehead when she let out an almighty cry. Tears started streaming down my face, but I was happier this time. We looked at each other then Mahala-Grace then each other again, not believing what had just happened. ''My Mahala-Grace. A fighter.'' I said softly unwrapping more of her. Olli ran outside to go get my mom, Carla and his mom who had just shown up. As they all rushed into the small room, Olli helped me sit up as I announced ''This is Mahala-Grace and has she got a set of lungs!'' She cryed again, nerved by all the sudden movement. The look of shock and happiness was priceless. ''Thank you'' Olli whispered into my ear as her grandparents cooed over her. ''I couldn't imagen anything better'' I replyed before Olli pressed his lips to mine and then looking at our beautiful daughter. 

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